Kalika Chetarike activity 8 for 9th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 8 for 9th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 8 for 9th class students. 9.3 activity worksheet for 9th standard students. Key answer for activity 8 and 7.1.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 9th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike.

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9th class Activity 7.2 and 8.1

Learning Outcome 9.3

Engages in conversation in English with family friends and people from different professions such as shopkeeper, salesman using appropriate vocabulary and narrates real life experiences in English.

Activity 7: Speaking Practice

Activity 7.1: Practice the dialogues with your partner.

Situation 1   Two friends Raj and Lathif meet by chance. Raj: Oh, what a surprise you’re here, Are you here for today? Lathif: Yes, I am. But how come you’re here? Raj: Latif, I came on some official work here. Lathif: Ah, You’re a businessman. You have set up a shop? Raj: Yes, I have. Well, let’s have coffee, shall we? Lathif: By all means. After that we can talk about many things.
Situation 2   Imagine the speaker in the story Jamaican Fragment would like to talk to the father of the kids. Both of them have been given some names, not the real ones.   Peter: Excuse me, I’m Peter. I’d been watching their games. Hope I’m not bothering you. Father: Oh, never. Please do come inside. I’m Mark Berger, call me Mark. Peter: Very glad to meet you, Mark. Mark: This is Anna, my wife. Peter: Good morning, Ms. Anna. Anna: Very good morning. What would you like to have, Mr. Peter? Coffee or Tea? Peter: Thanks, I’ve just had tea. I’d like to speak to your kids. Anna: (to children) Come here lads (they come). This is John, and that is Klaudis. Peter: (shaking hands with them) I’m Peter. I saw your games. Wonderful, weren’t they?

9th class learning out come

SITUATION 3   A seminar Hall. Two executives introduce themselves to each other.   Sharma: Hello, let me introduce myself. I’m Sharma. I work for Bhaskar International. Rajani: Hello, I don’t think we’ve met before. My name is Rajani. I work for Chaya Pharmaceuticals. Sharma: How do you do Ms Rajani? Rajani: Fine, how do you do?

9th class Activity 8.2 and 8

Activity 7.2 Paired Conversation

1. Suppose you are Naveen/ Kala. Introduce yourself to the assembly of a debating competition.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Naveen, and I am studying in Vivekanand College, Kalaburagi. I’m learning B.com second semester.

2. Imagine you are asked by your father to go to his office and hand over a letter of application for leave to his officer. How will you introduce yourself to the officer?

9th class Kalika chetarike


Rajesh: Good morning sir.

Officer: Very good morning.

Rajesh: Sir, I am son of Manjunath. He is working as clear in your office.

Officer: Oh.. nice. What is the matter?

Rajesh: My father is not feeling well. So he need two days leave for treatment. So he sent me with a leave letter.

Officer: Ok, Don’t worry. I will sanction two days leave. Take care of him.

Rajesh: Thank you, sir.

Officer: Welcome.

Learning Outcome 9.2

Activity 8: Listening for Information

Activity 8.1: Listen to the story and complete the exercises.

1. Classify the desirable and undesirable qualities from the box and write.

Forgiveness, cooperation, hatred, gratitude, love, respect, selfishness, arrogance, ego, mercy, kindness, jealousy, laziness, repentance
Desirable qualitiesUndesirable qualities

9th class Activity worksheet and key answer

2. Identify at least 5 main verbs and 5 helping verbs and write them in the given box.

Main verbsHelping verbs
1. write1. am
2. search2. have
3. cook3. had
4. drive4. shall
5. speak5. are

Activity 8.2:

Choose the right words from the bubbles and complete the story.

There was a dog that was very _______________. He searched for food everywhere and at last he found a bone. He picked the _______________ with his mouth and started going back home. There was a _______________ on the way to his home. When he started crossing it, he saw his _______________ in the water. The dog thought that there was another dog with a bone in water. He wanted to _______________ that other bone too. He started _______________ at his own reflection. The bone in his mouth fell in water as soon as he opened his mouth. The _______________ dog lost his bone.

Key answer of 9th class worksheet


There was a dog that was very hungry. He searched for food everywhere and at last he found a bone. He picked the bone with his mouth and started going back home. There was a bridge on the way to his home. When he started crossing it, he saw his reflection in the water. The dog thought that there was another dog with a bone in water. He wanted to get that other bone too. He started barking at his own reflection. The bone in his mouth fell in water as soon as he opened his mouth. The greedy dog lost his bone.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 8 for 9th class students.

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