Kalika Chetarike activity 44 for 9th class students. 45 activity worksheet for 9th standard students. Key answer for activity 45.1 and 45.2.
In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 9th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 9th class Kalika Chetarike English.
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9th class Activity worksheet and key answer
Learning Outcome 9.1
Listens to excerpts, dialogues, poems, news, speeches, commentaries of sports and games, debates on TV and radio and expresses opinions about them
Activity 45: Listening to News
Activity 45.1: Listen to news article and then answer following questions.

1. When is the Month of the Young Child celebrated?
Answer: April month.
2. Why is the Month of the Young Child celebrated?
Answer: Because to highlight the unique needs and rights of young children and their families.
3. What do organisations that support is the Month of the Young Child plan for the month?
Answer: The organizations support the healthy development of our next generation.
4. Why is it important to provide children with an opportunity to create open-ended art projects?
Answer: Open-ended art allows children to express themselves through their art. This supports their understanding of their own emotions, and provides a tool for self- regulation.
Activity 45.2:
Listen to news article and then answer following questions.

1. What happened to the policemen? How many were involved in the incident?
Answer: On 8 policemen, honeybees attacked and injured them.
2. What kind of medical care did the policemen need? Did anyone need to be admitted to the ICU?
Answer: The hospital admitted the injured policemen. Among them assistant sub-inspector was very serious. He needed to admit ICU.
3. What places on the bodies of the policemen were attacked?
Answer: Honeybees attacked people’s faces, necks, hands, chests, shoulders, and backs.
9th class Abhyasa halegalu
4. What did the article say about the cause of the incident?
Answer: The article says about the accident on the policeman by the honeybees. They are going to do bandobast. On the way to Freedom park in Bengaluru. On 8 policemen, honeybees attacked and injured them. The hospital admitted the injured policemen. Among them assistant sub-inspector was very serious. He needed to admit ICU.
Additional Activity:
Collect 2-3 small and interesting newspaper articles, paste them below and share them in class.

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Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 44 for 9th class students.