Kalika Chetarike activity 40 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 40 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 40 for 8th class students. 7.3.a activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 7.3.b and 7.4.a

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 8th class Kalika Chetarike English.

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8th class Activity worksheet and key answer


Activity 7.3.a:

Priyanka narrates a scene of action to her mother after reaching home. Now, notice the words underlined and discuss what they indicate.

Priyanka: Mom, you see it all happened very quickly. The car came straight on the wrong side in front of the school. It rammed into the back of the school van. The van driver didn’t have any chance to avoid it. It was the car driver’s fault.

Si. No.Past formPresent form
1E.g. happenedhappen
4didn’tDon’t / doesn’t
5wasTo be

Activity 7.3.b:

Fill in the blanks with the past tense form of the verb that is chosen from the ones given in bracket.

(think, take, be, return, inspire)

Gandhiji __________________to India in 1914. The great World War II had just begun. There__________________ wide spread agitations for freedom all over the country. Most of the leaders _________________ it the right time to strike. Gandhiji’s presence ________________ them a lot. So, the freedom struggle _________________a definite shape in that year.


Gandhiji returned to India in 1914. The great World War II had just begun. There were wide spread agitations for freedom all over the country. Most of the leaders thought it the right time to strike. Gandhiji’s presence inspired them a lot. So, the freedom struggle took a definite shape in that year.

The Past Perfect: Activity 7.4.a:

Observe the example to complete the exercise given below.

e.g., I reached the bus station after the bus ________ (leave)

I reached the bus station after the bus had left.

8th class Abhyasa halegalu

NOTE: The past perfect tense describes a completed activity in the past. It is used to emphasize that an action was completed before an action that already took place.

1. She _________(wear) a beautiful dress at the party.

Answer: had worn

2. Mr. Ramachandra __________(leave) before you phoned.

Answer: had left

3. The doctor arrived after the patient___________(die).

Answer: had died

4. After I _________(brush)my teeth, I went to sleep.

Answer: had brushed

5. The fire________(reach) the roof by the time the firemen arrived.

Answer: had reached

6. By the time police arrived, the robber ______________________(break) into my neighbour’s house.

Answer: had broken

7. When the guest came to the school, the programme________________________ (already begin).

Answer: had already begun

8. After he ___________(walk) 5 kms, he complained of a sore foot.

Answer: had walked

9. Look! Somebody_________(leave)the windows open.

Answer: had left

10. My friend came to meet me yesterday, but I ________ (go) to Shivamogga, so we could not meet.

Answer: had gone

11. My parents said they _________(go) to the new restaurant.

Answer: had gone

12. When the officials came out of the office, the rain _________ (not stop yet).

Answer: had not stopped yet


Choose the correct verb forms.

1. Subbu _______________the car.

a) wash     b) washes     c) washs

Answer: b) washes

2. Mr. Benny ___________e-mails in the evenings.

a) write      b) writes      c) writs

Answer: b) writes

Key answer of 8th class worksheet

3. Swetha sometimes ______________ newspaper in the morning.

a) read      b) read      c) reads

Answer: c) reads

4. The cell phone ________________loudly.

a) ring      b) ring      c) rings

Answer: c) rings

5. My mother always excuses when I __________ mistakes.

a) made       b) makes      c) make Answer: c) make

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Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 40 for 8th class students.

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