Kalika Chetarike activity 34 for 9th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 34 for 9th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 34 for 9th class students. 36 activity worksheet for 9th standard students. Key answer for activity 36.1 and 36.2.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 9th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 9th class Kalika Chetarike English.

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9th class Kalika Chetarike English

Learning Outcome 9.3

Engages in conversation in English with family friends and people from different professions such as shopkeeper, salesman using appropriate vocabulary and narrates real life experiences in English.

Activity 36:

Reassuring, consoling, and apologizing

Activity 36.1:

Read and practice.

Situation 1  
Anand: Hello, Swami. How are you? Swami: Hello, not bad. But I’m afraid of scoring less marks in the exam. Anand: There’s nothing to worry about the exam. I will help you to learn difficult topics. I will ensure that you will surely get above 60/80 marks. Swami: Before covid -19, I used to score above 70 in exams. But as a result of online classes and lack of studies at home, I am scoring less marks. Anand: Nowadays, we have regular offline classes. Just concentrate on your studies. Don’t worry, it will be fine!
Situation 2  
Tenali Rama: What do you think you are doing in my garden? Thief 1: We are sorry. We heard you talk to your wife about the gold. Thief 2: We could not resist the temptation. We shouldn’t have been greedy. Please accept our apologies. Tenali Rama: You know it is very bad habit to take things that do not belong to you, don’t you know it? Thief 1: We do. We regret our actions. Thief 2: We promise never to steal again in life. Tenali Rama: All right then. You may leave now.

9th class Activity worksheet and key answer

Activity 36.2: Role Play

1. Conversation between two friends, where 1 friend is worried about his brother’s health.

Harish: Hello, Akash, how are you?

Akash: Oh, Harish, I am fine.

Harish: Why are you so worried?

Akash: My brother was suffering from kidney-infection.

Harish: Oh so sad. Which medicine did your physician prescribe for your brother?

Akash: Doctor has prescribed anti-biotic. e.g. Fimoxil, Vitamin, and Saline.

Harish: Has he not suggested to give sufficient water?

Akash: Yes, he has advised so.

Harish: If you need any help, call me anytime.

Akash: Thank you so much for your concern.

Harish: You are most welcome.

2. Conversation between 2 sisters, where the younger sister lost her favourite purse.

Shruti: What are you looking for?

Priya: I have lost my purse.

Shruti: Where did you keep it?

Priya: I remember keeping it in the shelf.

Shruti: Don’t worry. We will find it soon.

Priya: I am so worried.

Shruti: Did you keep money in that?

Priya: Yes, I kept 2000 rupees.

Shruti: And any other document?

Priya: I have kept Aadhar card and ATM card.

Shruti: Wait I will search.

Priya: Let’s come together to search.

Shruti: Surprise…! Look your purse is on the TV.

Priya: Yeah great. Thank you Shruti for your help. Shruti: It’s my pleasure.

9th class Abhyasa halegalu

3. Act as if you have done something wrong towards your partner. Apologise and give reasons for making the mistake.

Keerti dropped a glass on the floor. Naturally, her brother asks for an explanation.

Brother: What was that terrible noise? Did you drop anything?

Keerti: I’m sorry, bro. I dropped a glass on the floor and it broke.

Brother: Were you hurt?

Keerti: No, but I’m really sorry.

Brother: Why did you drop it?

Keerti: I couldn’t hold it. The glass was too slippery.

Brother: It’s okay, but be careful next time!

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 34 for 9th class students.

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