Kalika Chetarike activity 32 for 9th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 32 for 9th class
Kalika Chetarike activity 32 for 9th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 32 for 9th class students. 34 activity worksheet for 9th standard students. Key answer for activity 34.1.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 9th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 9th class Kalika Chetarike English.

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9th class Kalika Chetarike English

Learning Outcome 9.5

Uses appropriate grammatical forms in communication: noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, determiners, prepositions, conjunctions, time, tense, adjective, passivation.

Activity 34:

Active and Passive Voices.


Voice is the form a verb takes to indicate whether the subject of the verb performs or receives the action.

When the subject of a sentence is doing the action, it is called active voice. It shows the importance of the person.

When the subject of a sentence is being affected/ changed by the action, it is called passive voice. It shows the importance of the action.

Activity 34.1:

Do as directed.

A. Write whether the action is important or the person who does the action is important.

e. g. Milk is sold here. Action important

My neighbour cuts a tree in front of his house.

Answer: Person is important

Doctors advise people to walk 3 kms every day.

Answer: Person is important

Smoking is prohibited.

Answer: Action important

Trespassers will be punished.

Answer: Person is important

He drove his car past me and stopped suddenly.

Answer: Person is important

B. Match the first half of the sentence in column ‘A’ with its second part in column ‘B’.

He was punishedto go on a tour.
Robbers broke open the door andwithin no time.
John plannedto a nearby hospital.
Gowri left her jewelleryfor his unlawful activities.
The injured man was takenentered the Bank.
The car got repairedin the bus yesterday.

9th class Activity worksheet and key answer


He was punishedfor his unlawful activities.
Robbers broke open the door andentered the Bank.
John plannedto go on a tour.
Gowri left her jewelleryin the bus yesterday.
The injured man was takento a nearby hospital.
The car got repairedwithin no time.

Combine sentences from B and write. Write A for Active voice or P for Passive voice against each.

E.g.: He was punished for his unlawful activities (P)


1. Robbers broke open the door and entered the Bank. (A)

2. John planned to go on a tour. (A)

3. Gowri left her jewellery in the bus yesterday. (A)

4. The injured man was taken to a nearby hospital. (P)

5. The car got repaired within no time. (P)

C. Mark the main verb in each sentence.

1. Cut down the trees.

2. Take the logs to the paper mills.

3. Cut into small pieces.

4. Mix them with water and some chemicals.

5. Grind the mixture into pulp.

6. Put the pulp on flat moving trays.

7. Squeeze the water out.

8. Press the pulp between the rollers and flatten it into paper.

9. Add chemicals to make the paper smooth.

Now, complete the paragraph by using the verbs in passive form to describe the process of manufacturing paper by using required linkers.


The trees are cut down. The logs are taken to the paper mills. Later they are cut into small pieces. They are mixed with water and some chemicals. The mixtures are ground into pulp. The pulp is put on flat moving trays. Then the water is squeezed out. The pulp is pressed between the rollers and flattened it into paper. At last chemicals are added to make the paper smooth.

Key answer of 9th class worksheet

D. Read the following instructions. Rewrite them in the passive form.

Wash and dry the fruit. Cut it into pieces and add salt. Keep the pieces in the sun Light. Add oil and spices to it. Store the pickle in a dry jar with a tight lid. Use a dry spoon to stir and take the pickle from the jar.


The fruit are washed and dried. Later they are cut into pieces and salt is added. The pieces are kept in the sun light. Later it is added with oil and spices. Then the pickle is stored in a dry jar with a tight lid. Spoon is used to stir and taken the pickle from the jar.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 32 for 9th class students.

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