Kalika Chetarike activity 32 for 8th class students. Activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer learning out come 8.14.
In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 8th class Kalika Chetarike English.
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8th class Kalika Chetarike English
Learning Objective 8.14:
Reads/ listens to excerpts, dialogues, poems, commentaries of sports and games, speeches, news, debates on TV, Radio and expresses opinions about them.
Activity 1:
Write your opinions with regard to the announcement.
“Good morning. Today we have gathered here to celebrate the 73rd Republic Day ceremony. It is the date on which the Constitution of India came into effect. To commemorate this day, we have with us a very special guest, Mr. Nirmal Jeet Singh, a retired military officer. Today, he will be telling us with the importance of this day and also share his experience in the Indian army. After the address, the Honourable Chief Guest will distribute the prize to the winners of various cultural competition and sports competition. Thank you.” |
Answer the following questions:
1. Do you think this celebration will be grand? Why do you think so?
Answer: Yes, definitely this celebration will be grand. Because Mr. Nirmal Jeet Singh will be telling us with the importance of this day and also share his experience in the Indian army. And also prizes are distributed to the winners.
2. How do you think we should celebrate the day the Constitution came into effect?
Answer: We celebrate constitution day by participating speech and essay competition. The Department of Education had issued directions to schools requiring youngsters to study the preamble of the Constitution.
Essay competitions were held on topics related to India’s constitution. These contests took place on both online and offline platforms. Mock parliamentary debates had also been held at a number of campuses across the country.
3. What other special days would you want to celebrate?
Answer: I want to celebrate Independence day, Children day and Teachers’ day.
8th class Activity worksheet and key answer
Activity 2
Announcement about a missing child at the exhibition A boy found crying near stall number 10 is now in the control room. He is crying for his parents. He is fair and chubby. He tells his name is Chandru. He is in blue jeans shorts and a white shirt. Parents of the child are requested to contact the control room. |
1. What do you think happened to Chandru?
Answer: Chandru was missing in the exhibition.
2. Do you think it is the parents’ or the Chandru’s fault that Chandru is missing? Give reasons for your answer.
Answer: I think its parents fault. Because there is lot of crowd in the exhibition. So parents need to take care of Chandru. Chandru is a small boy. He was unable to protect himself.
Activity 3
Your teacher will read the steps of preparing Dahi Vada, which was telecasted on TV. Arrange the steps of preparing Dahi Vada in a sequence and write them.
Squeeze the vadas to remove excess water and add into the yogurt.
Let them soak for at least fifteen to twenty minutes before serving.
Heat oil in a kadai to moderate heat.
Take about two tablespoons of dal mixture on your wet palm and make a hole in the centre with your thumb, shape like a doughnut and lower into the hot oil.
Deep fry the vadas till golden brown.
Drain and soak in warm water.
Garnish with roasted cumin powder, red chilli powder and chopped coriander. Serve cold.
Pick, wash and soak dal in two cups of water for six to eight hours.
Beat yogurt with a whisk to make it smooth. Add salt and mix well.
8th class Abhyasa halegalu
• Drain and grind into a fine and fluffy paste. Add cumin seeds, salt and asafoetida and then whisk the mixture to incorporate air into it.
1. Pick, wash and soak dal in two cups of water for six to eight hours. |
2. Drain and grind into a fine and fluffy paste. Add cumin seeds, salt and asafoetida, and then whisk the mixture to incorporate air into it. |
3. Heat oil in a kadai to moderate heat. |
4. Take about two tablespoon of dal mixture on your wet palm and make a hole in the centre with your thumb, shape like a doughnut and lower into the hot oil. |
5. Deep fry the vadas till golden brown. |
6. Drain and soak in warm water. |
7. Beat yogurt with a whisk to make it smooth. Add salt and mix well. |
8. Squeeze the vadas to remove excess water and add into the yogurt. |
9. Let them soak for at least fifteen to twenty minutes before serving. |
10. Garnish with roasted cumin powder, red chili powder and chopped. Serve cold. |
Do you like or dislike Dahi Vada? Why?
Yes, I like Dahi Vada. Because Dahi Vada involves deep-frying of the vada, the nutritional value due to the presence of lentils and curd. Lentils are rich in protein and curd is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin B-12, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B-2, and several other nutrients.
Activity 4 How are the trees useful to us?
Answer: Trees are very useful to us. Because they give us clean water to drink, air to breathe, shade and food to humans, animals and plants. They provide habitats for numerous species of fauna and flora, firewood for cooking and heat, materials for buildings and places of spiritual, cultural and recreational importance.
8th class worksheet and answer
Activity 5:
Listen to the story and write down if you felt that Ramarishna Paramahamsa was right/ wrong. Your teacher will explain the situation. Give reasons for your answer.
One day, an old lady came to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa with her ten-year- old grandson. She bowed to him and said, “Master! I have come to seek your advice. This boy is my grandson. He is very fond of sweets. He eats so much that his health is affected. The doctors have advised him not to eat sweets, but this fellow does not listen. However, he has great respect and admiration for you. So, I have come to request you to stop the boy from eating sweets.”
Ramakrishna said, “Mother, don’t worry, come with your grandson after one month. In that time, I shall think of a plan to convince the boy.” The old woman thanked him and left.
8th class Kalika chetarike
One month later, she came back with her grandson. Both of them offered their salutations to the master. Ramakrishna told the boy, “My dear boy. Remember, one’s real wealth is health. Unless you take proper care of your health, you will not be able to grow into a strong and healthy young man. You will not be able to do anything great in life if you are weak. When something that we eat does not suit our constitution, we should give up eating that item. From tomorrow you should not eat sweets. You are a nice boy and will listen to me, will you not?” The boy nodded his head and promised that he would not eat sweets.
The old woman sent the boy on some errand just to have a confidential talk with the master. “Master, may I ask you a question?” said the old woman. “This advice which you have given today to my grandson you could have given last month. Why did you ask me to come again after a month?”
Ramakrishna replied with an understanding smile, “I myself eat lots of sweets. How can I advise the boy to do something that I am not doing myself? I asked for some time so I could stop eating sweets. Now, I have earned the right to advise your grandson.”
Worksheet answer for class 8
Answer: Ramarishna Paramahamsa was right. Because giving advice is very easy but to bring it in practice, it is very difficult. We need to learn that what we teach that should be first followed by us. Then only others will follow our advice.
At first Ramarishna Paramahamsa couldn’t gave any advice. Because he himself eats lot of sweets. So he decided first to stop that habit to advise the boy. He took one-month time to stop eating more sweets. After controlling over that habit Ramarishna Paramahamsa advised the boy.
Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 31 for 8th class students.