Kalika Chetarike activity 31 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 31 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 31 for 8th class students. Activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer learning out come 8.13.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 8th class Kalika Chetarike English.

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8th class Activity worksheet and key answer

Learning Outcome 8.13:

Prepares a write up after seeking information in print/ online, notice board, newspaper, etc.


Observe the poster and answer the questions:

1. What does the poster relate to?

a. World day celebration

b. Environment day celebration

c. Art competition day celebration

d. School annual day celebration

Answer: b. Environment day celebration

2. Can you give one example of how you follow the ‘Go Green’ idea?


Switch lights off:

One of the simplest ways to reduce energy consumption is to switch lights off when you leave a room. If it’s sunny outside open up the blinds and make the most of natural light instead. This is one example to follow the ‘Go Green’ idea.

Activity 1:

Read the weather forecast report or listen to your teacher.

Activity 2:

Observe the pictures given below carefully and prepare a write up about safe driving by using the words given in the box.


1. Always wear a helmet!

2. Don’t drive while you are in uncomfortable.

3. Avoid mobile phones while driving.

4. Take care of injured person on the road.

5. Don’t hesitate to admit the patient to a nearby hospital.

6. Keep a safe distance from vehicles to avoid dash out!

7. Doctor told that patient was not serious.

8. Be careful riding the bicycle on the road.

Activity 3:

Read the following newspaper cutting and prepare a short write up.

8th class worksheet and answer


A group of 20 policemen were on Bandobast at the protest venue. That time honeybee attacked on 8 policemen on Thursday at Freedom park. Sub-inspector was admitted in ICU. Other 6 policemen treated and will discharge in the evening. The cause of bee attack is not

clear but came to know that a flock of Vultures smashed the hive or someone threw stone at that. Other policemen from Upparpet, Cottonpet, Kamakshipalya and other police station were sent to maintain law and order at protest venue.


Activity 4:

Read the information displayed on the notice board.

Now, prepare a short write up about the suggestive activities for the cleanliness week programme.


In our school we have started cleanliness week from 5th March under Eco-club for class 5th to 8th standard. Aim of this program is to create awareness among students. We start this programme with cleaning our school and surrounding. At the end of this programme our principal will give certificate to the students. This notice is given by Ramya, In-charge Eco club.


Activity 5:

Write a biography.

Work in pairs and collect information about your friend and prepare a write up on them. (Name, father name, place of birth, hobbies, achievements, study performance, participation in cultural Activity, sport achievement/interest, etc.)


Name: Veeresh S.K

Father name: Shivabasappa

Place of birth: Kalaburagi

Hobbies: Playing chess, listening classical music.

Achievements: Grandmaster in Chess, State Level best chess player of 2021.

Study performance: Gold medallist in M.A English.

Participation in cultural Activity: Drama competition in Mysore.

Sport achievement: Grandmaster in Chess, State Level best chess player of 2021

Interest: Reading books, playing chess, listening classical music.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 31 for 8th class students.

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