Kalika Chetarike activity 27 for 9th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 27 for 9th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 27 for 9th class students. 9.3 activity worksheet for 9th standard students. Key answer for activity 29 and 29.1.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 9th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 9th class Kalika Chetarike English.

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Key answer of 9th class worksheet

Learning Outcome 9.3

Engages in conversation in English with family friends and people from different professions such as shopkeeper, salesman using appropriate vocabulary and narrates real life experiences in English.

Activity 29: Opinions

Activity 29.1: Read and practise the dialogue.

The Head in an office is thinking of seeking opinion about his new proposal.   Head: Welcome everyone. I was thinking that we could change these 5 days a week into 6 days a week. I need your frank opinion. Assistant: Excuse me sir. In my opinion, the present system is good. Head: Well? It was only last year we had changed from 6 days to 5 days a week work. As I see it, we work for longer hours, and we are sufficiently rested for two days at the end. Head: Have others got any comment? Assistant: Yes. I fully agree with my colleague. It seems to me we are saving both money and time. For one, the city transport system is not good. Secondly, our work requires longer duration. Head: Ok, we’ll go on with the present system. Thank you.

Activity 29.2: Discuss in groups your opinion about the topic given to you.

would like to become a scientist.I like going to the theatre to watch movies.I would like to go to Mumbai in the summer.
Every period should begin with prayer.The weather is quite hot these days.Studying is an important part of a student’s life.
Watching cricket on TV is a lot of fun.Schools should run from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. instead of the present timings.Spending time with my family makes me happy.
Earning is more important than learning.Every child needs a mobile phone.Reading is fun.

Worksheet answer for class 9

Would like to become a scientist:

I want to be a scientist since childhood. That is the ambition of my life. My parents encouraged me a lot. Ever since then, I have wanted to discover something new. We will even research what we are reading now.

I like going to the theatre to watch movies:

Going to the movies simply makes me happy, and I’ll never ever get tired of going to watch them in the theatre. I go to the movie theatres because it is fun. The experience is supposed to be enjoyable and allow you to say afterward that you really enjoyed it. Sometimes the movie theatre makes an excellent option for those difficult weather days or really warm days when there are not many fun things to do outside.

I would like to go to Mumbai in the summer:

Mumbai is known for its pristine beaches. The coast dotted with a myriad of shops selling souvenirs and tasty delicacies makes for a day by the beach indelible! The Gateway of India that was built in the 20th century is one of the biggest tourist attractions of Mumbai. The building stands beautifully overlooking.

Every period should begin with prayer:

All the students are supposed to begin every day with a silent prayer. Praying god helps us in connecting with them. All the miseries, ill thoughts from our brain vanishes, our souls are purified and we start thinking way Better. Prayer also energizes the heart of a believer through the power of the Spirit

The weather is quite hot these days: Climate change means abnormal changes in temperature and weather patterns. Excessive use of coal, oil products and gases is responsible for this problem. Because they emit greenhouse gases, which damage the atmosphere. This makes the earth’s temperature higher than normal

Class 9 worksheet with answer

Studying is an important part of a student’s life:

Having education in an area helps people think, feel, and behave in a way that contributes to their success, and improves not only their personal satisfaction but also their community. In addition, education develops human personality, thoughts, dealing with others and prepares people for life experiences.

Watching cricket on TV is a lot of fun:

Cricket is a gentlemen’s game and I like this game to watch on TV because it is not one-man show. Winning is defined by the total teams participation, each player need to contribute their game and work towards the goal of achieving success. In other terms it’s a good exercise and keeps you fit.

Schools should run from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. instead of the present timings:

Although many argue that this time is too early, it is a perfectly adequate time to begin the day. Beginning school on the earlier side is better in the essence that students will be able to leave earlier. If school began at a later time, that means it would correspondingly end at a later time.

Spending time with my family makes me happy:

Some advantages of having a family are increased happiness and satisfaction. Studies have shown that spending time with family can help reduce stress and anxiety, lead to a healthier lifestyle and lengthen your life. Family gives you motivation to be the best version of yourself.

Earning is more important than learning: Earning is better than learning because it allows people to have more opportunities in life. Money can be used to buy things that are not available with an education. Money can be used to travel and see the world. Money can be used to make people happy.

9th class learning out come

Every child needs a mobile phone:

I would like to point out the benefits of letting a child have a cell phone when he/she is in elementary and in high school.  Advantages to giving your child a phone would be for emergencies, parental contact, and academic help. There are also many disadvantages.

Reading is fun:

Reading has been shown to put our brains into a pleasurable trance-like state, similar to meditation, and it brings the same health benefits of deep relaxation and inner calm. Regular readers sleep better, have lower stress levels, higher self-esteem, and lower rates of depression than non-readers.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 27 for 9th class students.

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