Kalika Chetarike activity 27 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 27 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 27 for 8th class students. 3 activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 3.1 and 4.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 8th class Kalika Chetarike English.

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8th class English worksheet


Activity 3:

(Summary of the lesson ‘Luther Burbank’)

Luther Burbank was a simple, hard-working scientist. He became a famous U.S. plant breeder. He was a master gardener, a skilled plant grower, a talented and patient breeder. He was able to turn a yellow flower into red, he produced seedless plums, he made the desert cactus grow a thousand times faster. He developed white blackberry and he could grow 500 different varieties of cherries on a single tree.

Luther Burbank was born on March 7, 1849. He was brought up on a farm in the State of Massachusetts. He learnt the art of growing crops and plants in his childhood. He was greatly influenced by Charles Darwin’s book “Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication”.

At the age of 21 he became a market gardener. He grew high-quality vegetables on his farms and sold them. He developed a new variety of potato, which has become famous as ‘Idaho Potato’. Luther Burbank adopted three basic techniques for his experiments.

By adopting the technique of grafting he was able to grow several thousand varieties of fruits in an acre on his farm. He could even grow 526 kinds of apples on a single tree. He would graft a twig from a young plant to a fruit- bearing tree and get fruits in just two or three year.

Burbank conducted more than 10,000 experiments with 600 kinds of plants. He was successful in developing an improved cherry, a thornless blackberry, a thornless cactus and a peach tree which could withstand freezing temperature. Many a time his attempts failed. But he was neither disappointed nor disheartened. He had so much devotion and perseverance, that he continued to work. Burbank’s achievements can be equated with the present-day technological innovations.

8th class Kalika Chetarike English

Activity 3.1:

Based on the reading of the above text, think and extract the following details and fill in the boxes.

NameLuther Burbank
Date of BirthMarch 7, 1849
OccupationPlant breeder
Field of InterestMaster gardener, plant grower, breeder
AchievementsBurbank conducted more than 10,000 experiments with 600 kinds of plants. He was successful in developing an improved cherry, a thornless blackberry, a thornless cactus and a peach tree.


Activity 4:  Read the passage and answer the questions:

A young girl had a puppy. The puppy lived in a small kennel in front of the girl’s house. There was a hole in the compound wall. Every day, the puppy gazed out that hole. It saw the young girl and her friends on their cycles. They all shouted and laughed as they raced down the street.

One day the puppy had an idea. “I want to ride a cycle too!” the puppy told the girl. The girl loved the puppy, so she agreed. She found a small toy bike for the puppy. The puppy jumped onto the cycle. But riding the cycle was difficult. The puppy’s paws couldn’t hold the handle bars. Its hind paws couldn’t even reach the pedals. And soon, it was even tough for the puppy to breathe!

The girl put the puppy back in its kennel. It whined and cried and looked very sad. “I can’t ride a cycle!” the puppy said sadly. “What good am I?”

The girl smiled. “You are as good as exactly one puppy!” she said. “And that is an excellent thing to be! You can play all day long and roll around on the grass! I don’t know many girls or boys who can do that!”

Now, answer these questions:

Kalika Chetarike activity 3 for 8th class

1. What does the girl do when the puppy tells her it wants to ride a cycle?

• She is surprised that the puppy can talk.

• She laughs at the thought of a puppy riding a bike.

• She wants to make the puppy ‘s dream come true.

• She thinks the puppy is silly for wanting to ride a cycle.

Answer: She wants to make the puppy ‘s dream come true.

2. What is the theme of the story?

• Puppies can’t ride cycles and they shouldn’t try.

• Puppies are better riders than people.

• Everyone is good at different things.

• The girl should work harder to teach the puppy to ride the cycle.

Answer: Everyone is good at different things.

3. What lesson is the girl teaching her puppy when she says ” You can play all day long and roll around on the grass! I don’t know many girls or boys who can do that!”?

Answer: The girl teaching her puppy that everyone is good at different things. So we should focus on what capacity and ability we have. Don’t worry of others skills and ability.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 27 for 8th class students.

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