Kalika Chetarike activity 24 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 24 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 24 for 8th class students. 3 activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 4 and 5.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. 8th class Kalika Chetarike English.

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Download worksheet with key answer

8th class Kalika Chetarike English


Activity 3:

Write about an interesting experience in your life. Narrate your story to the class.


Last month, a friend came to visit from Mysore. Although she intended to spend some time with me. Since my friend and I share the same interest in traveling, I planned a trip to Ooty with her. I made the most of this opportunity and planned a week-long trip.

This was the best experience of my life because this was my first trip with a friend. I experienced life and came across the world on my own. Right from booking hotels to deciding upon transportation, my friend and I did everything independently.

In the end, I received utmost satisfaction from this trip. And, no doubt, in the future, I will plan a lot of solo trips as well.


Activity 4:

Paste some posters or pictures in the box given below and write a story related to it. Narrate your story to the class.


A boy is watering plants in his house garden. This is good habit for children to learn about importance of trees.

Children enjoy doing this. With a small indoor plant, young children can learn how to water properly, and how to place the plants in good light so they can grow.

Give children a spray bottle or pipe to help them not over-water the plants. Trees provide us fresh water to drink, air to breathe, shade, and food for humans, animals, and plants.

Kalika Chetarike activity 24 for 8th class


Activity 5:

Think of an adventurous / interesting experience in your life and write a story based on it. Remember to include the following details:

Where were you, who were you with, what did you do and how did you feel. Add as many details as possible, so that the reader can relive the experience with you.


It was during a long summer holiday about 10 years ago, when my university had just closed, and I decided to visit one of my best friend’s hometown at his invitation in order to see one of the biggest lakes of my country. The lake was very famous because of its crystal clear water.

In fact, after arriving at my friend’s hometown, when he took me to the lake, I could see a motor-driven boat was waiting for us to ride. The problem was I never had a boat journey before, nor did I know any swimming. But my friend was indeed brave, and he assured me that nothing would happen.

So, our boat journey started and in no time, I found myself far away from the lakeshore. The exciting thing was that I could actually see the fishes swimming around us through the clear water of the lake! In a second, I forgot about my fear and wanted to catch some of those big fishes, but my friend prevented me.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 24 for 8th class students.

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