Kalika Chetarike activity 22 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 22 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 22 for 8th class students. 2.b activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 22 and 3.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike.

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8th class Kalika Chetarike English


Activity 2.b:

Recite the following poem and underline the rhyming words.


Rise, brothers, rise; the wakening skies pray to the

morning light,

The wind lies asleep in the arms of the dawn, like a

child that has cried all night.

Come, let us gather our nets from the shore and set

our catamarans free,

To capture the leaping wealth of the tide, for we are

the sons of the sea.

No longer delay, let us hasten away in the track of

the sea gull’s call;

The sea is our mother, the cloud is our brother, the

waves are our comrades all.

What though we toss at the fall of the sun where the

hand of the sea-god drives?

He who holds the storm by the hair, will hide in his

breast our lives.

Sweet is the shade of the coconut glade, and the

scent of the mango grove,

And sweet are the sands at the full o’ the moon with the

sound of the voices we love;

But sweeter, O brothers, the kiss of the spray and the dance

of the wild foam’s glee.

Row, brothers, row to the edge of the verge, where the

low sky mates with the sea.

Answer: List of rhyming word.

Light-night, free-sea, call-all, drives-lives, grove-loves,

glee-sea, shade-glade, edge-verge, mother-brother, etc.

Kalika Chetarike English


Activity 3:


1. The class will be divided into two teams.

2. A topic will be given and the teams can decide whether they want to debate for or against the topic.

3. Both teams will have 10 minutes to get ready for the debate.

4. Teams can note down the points and questions in the format given below and refer to it during the debate.

Now, teacher will write the debate topic on black board.

Kalika Chetarike activity 27 for 8th class

TOPIC: Corruption free India
Do you agree with the topicYESyesNO 
  I agree with this topic. Because corruption is a problem that has hampered the growth of our country is not one but many ways.    
Points to use in your debateQuestions to pose to the opposition
  Causes of corruption:   1. Greed of money 2. Poverty 3. Lack of values and ethics 4. Lack of education 5. Inefficient administrative structure 6. Political instability 7. Gender Inequality    1. What is corruption in simple words? 2. Does India have a corruption problem? 3. Which country is free from corruption? 4. What is the importance of anti-corruption? 5. How can corruption be avoided? 6. How can corruption affect a country? 7. What are three examples of corruption? 8. How can you make Indian corruption free? 9. How does corruption affect human rights?


Activity 4:

Select a topic of your choice and deliver a speech on it. Note down the key points in the below box. You can refer to it during the speech.


Speech topic: Independence Day

Good morning to all.

Respected Head master, Honourable Chief Guests, Teachers, Parents, and My Dear Friends. Firstly, I would like to wish you Happy Independence Day. 15th August 1947 we never forget because we got Independence from British rule.

We must celebrate this day with great spirit. We should remember our great leaders like Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad, Subash Chandra Bose, and others. A peaceful life we ​​live in today is only because of their sacrifices. Let us all work together to show our country is the best in the world.

I would like to say that we should be proud to be Indians. So let’s celebrate Independence Day today with joy and great enthusiasm. Thank you all.

Jai Hind….

8th class Activity worksheet and key answer

Key points of the speech:  
1. Salutation to guess.
2. On 15th August 1947 we got freedom.
3. Remember great leaders.
4. Work together to develop in the world.
5. Celebrate this joy and great enthusiasm.
6. Ending words of the speech.  


Activity 5:

Read the lesson ‘ALL THE WORLD HER STAGE’ from your English textbook (pages 97 to 99). Form groups and play the quiz game.

I. Choose the correct answer.

1) Who was usually a playing companion for Sai in her childhood?

A) her father     B) her mother     C) her grandfather

Answer: C) her grandfather

2) Sai Paranjpye is a famous theatre personality from

A) Pune     B) Mumbai     C) Ahmedabad

Answer: A) Pune

3) A traditional game played by a Maharashtrian girl is

A) story telling     B) doll’s wedding     C) Lagori

Answer: B) doll’s wedding

4) Who was affectionately called as Appa?

A) Sir R.P.Paranjapye     B) mother     C) father

Answer: A) Sir R.P.Paranjapye

5) Sai’s first published book is

A) Drama Tale     B) My Story     C) Mulancha Mera

Answer: C) Mulancha Mera

6) ‘Plump’ means

A) round and fat     B) mocked     C) attracted

Answer: A) round and fat

7) What award did Sai Paranjpye win for the best documentary with a social purpose?

A) National award     B) The Oscar     C) Padma Bhushan

Answer: A) National award

8) “You kicked knowledge… Now ask forgiveness of this book”. Who made this statement?

A) Friend     B) Sai     C) Sir R.P Paranjpye

Answer: C) Sir R.P Paranjpye

9) “I didn’t. I made it up!” What did Sai make up?

A) Songs     B) Theatre     C) A fairy tale

Answer: C) A fairy tale 10) How did Appa punish Sai for stepping on a book?

8th class Abhyasa halegalu

A) Made her clean the library    B) Forced her to stop reading books

C) Ordered her to ask forgiveness from the book.

Answer: C) Ordered her to ask forgiveness from the book.

11) Sai’s friends made fun of her because she was a

A) plump girl     B) theatre artist     C) story teller

Answer: A) plump girl

12) Sai’s role in the doll’s wedding was that of a:

A) sister     B) grandmother     C) mother

Answer: C) mother

13) Sai was a talented girl even as a child.

A) She made up a fairy tale.    B) She wrote a book.    C) Both (A) and (B)

Answer: C) Both (A) and (B)

14) Chandu, Meera and Devayani are Sai’s _______.

A) friends     B) relatives     C) teachers     Answer: A) friends

II. True (T) or False (F)?

1) Sai looked very athletic. [ F ]

2) Sai used to tell fantastic stories to her friends. [ T ]

3) Even as a child, Sai had published a book. [ T ]

4) Her grandfather did not take it seriously when she stepped on a book. [ F ]

5) Paranjpye was a ‘Senior Wrangler’. [ T ]

6) One of the Maharashtrian children’s games is ‘marriage of dolls’. [ T ]

7) Sai told a story to her grandfather. [ T ]

8) Sai learnt to regard books with respect. [ T ]

9) Sai was one of India’s leading filmmakers and theatre personalities. [ T ]

10) Sai stepped on a book by mistake as she rushed into the shop. [ F ]

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 22 for 8th class students.

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