Kalika Chetarike activity 21 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 21 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 21 for 8th class students. 1.a activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 16 and 6.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike.

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8th class Kalika Chetarike English

Learning Outcome 8.9:

Participates in different activities such as role-play, poetry recitation, skit, drama, debate, speech, elocution, declamation, quiz, etc., organized by the school and other such organizations.


Activity 1.a:

Listen to and repeat after your teacher. Form groups and role play the scene.

Mother : Good morning, doctor!

Doctor : Good morning, madam!

Mother : This is my son, Nagaraj. He is suffering from severe stomach pain.

Doctor : Come Nagaraj. Lie down here. Let me see what’s the issue.

(Doctor examines Nagaraj.)

Doctor : How old are you?

Nagaraj : I’m sixteen years old.

Doctor : What did you eat yesterday?

Nagaraj : I ate pani puri from a place near my school, doctor.

Doctor : Oh! I see. Now I can tell you why you have stomach pain. You should not eat food kept in the open on the road-side.

Nagaraj : Sure, doctor. I will never eat such things again.

Doctor : Good. Take these tablets; you will be fine.

Mother : What food can he have now, doctor?

Doctor : He should eat only home-cooked food for a few days.

Mother : Okay. How much shall I pay you doctor?

Doctor : Hundred rupees only.

Mother : Here it is. Thanks doctor!


Activity 1.b:

Act out the situation given by your teacher. You can take your teacher’s support.

English kalika halegalu

8th class Activity worksheet and key answer


Dialogue 1

Ravan: Hay man, why did you come to Srilanka?

Hanuman: I am not a Hayman, Ravan. I am Hanuman from Bharath?

Ravan: Why did you come here. What is your business in Srilanka?

Hanuman: Why did you abduct my mother Sita?

Ravan: Who are you to question me Mr. Hanuman?

Hanuman: I am a faithful servant to Lord Sri Ram. Kindly return Our Sita Devi.

Ravan: Sita is my property. I cannot return her.

Hanuman: I will show my power now.

Dialogue 1

Customer: I need a dozen eggs, one pouch of buttermilk.

Shopkeeper: Ok sure.

Customer: How much will all these items cost?

Shopkeeper: 120-rupee sir.

Customer: What’s the cost of dozen eggs?

Shopkeeper: 96-rupee sir.

Customer: That’s a lot more than what you sold the last time.

Shopkeeper: Rates are increased compared to the previous week.

Customer: OK. Please give me a discount.

Shopkeeper: OK, give me rupees 110 rupee instead of 120.

Customer: Thank you.

Assessment    Activity 1.c

Take your English textbook, turn to page number 115 and read the drama The Emperor’s New Clothes and take the different roles enact.

LEARNING SHEET 25  Activity 2.a: Recite the following poem.

BEAUTY – E-Yeh-Shure

Beauty is seen

In the sunlight,

The trees, the birds,

Corn growing and people working

Or dancing for their harvest.

Beauty is heard

In the night,

Wind sighing, rain falling,

Or a singer chanting

Anything in earnest.

Beauty is in yourself.

Good deeds, happy thoughts

That repeat themselves

In your dreams,

In your work,

And even in your rest.

Click here to listen this song.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 21 for 8th class students.

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