Kalika Chetarike activity 19 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 19 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 19 for 8th class students. 5 activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 19 and 6.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike.

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Download worksheet with key answer

Kalika Chetarike English

Activity 5:

Fill in the blanks by writing the antonyms of the words given in brackets.

Towards the ________________ (beginning) of the play, an _____________ (young) man appeared on the stage. He was walking _______________ (fast). Soon, the lights came on. In that ________________ (dim) light, they could see the director, a ______________ (short) man with an imposing figure.


Towards the end (beginning) of the play, an old (young) man appeared on the stage. He was walking slow (fast). Soon, the lights came on. In that bright/clear (dim) light, they could see the director, a long (short) man with an imposing figure.

Activity 6:

Fill in the blanks by writing the antonyms of the underlined words.

1. We should neither borrow nor _______________.

Answer: lend

2. Krishna was a rich king, while his friend was a ____________ man.

Answer: poor

3. Don’t stand outside. Come _________________.

Answer: inside

4. Radhika is strong but her sister is ___________.

Answer: weak

5. Eat less but work _____________.

Answer: more

Activity 7:

Read the following and answer the questions.

1) Once a boy was walking on a street. He saw an old lady. She was weak and weary. She was trying to cross the street. The boy noticed her need and helped her to cross the road.

1. The meaning of the word ‘aged’ means ………………..

Answer: Aged = old

2. The meaning of the word ‘tired’ ……………………….

Answer: Tired = weary

3. The meaning of the word ‘observe’ …………………………

Answer: observe = notice

8th class English learning outcome

2) One day a woodcutter came to the forest. He looked at the crooked tree and said, ‘this tree is useless for me’. He selected all the fine and straight trees and cut them down.

a. The opposite word of the ‘day’ is …………

Answer: day x night

b. The opposite word of ‘down’ is ………..

Answer: down x up

c. The opposite word of ‘straight’ …………

Answer: straight x bent

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 19 for 8th class students.

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