Kalika Chetarike activity 18 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 18 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 18 for 8th class students. 8.8 activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 1 and 2.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike.

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8th class English worksheet

Learning Outcome 8.8:

Uses synonyms, antonyms appropriately; deduces word meanings from clues in context while reading a variety of texts.


Activity 1: Read the below-given story and answer the following questions.

Once upon a time, A Donkey found a lion’s skin. The donkey started to dress in that skin and go out, the other animals and people were afraid of him. Everyone thought he was a real lion.

Soon he started to think of himself as a lion. One day he heard some donkeys screaming in the village. He wanted to show them that he can scream even louder. So, he started screaming and the villagers heard him. They ran after him with sticks and beat him. Thus, the poor donkey realized his mistake and walked away with pain.

1. The meaning of the word ‘realize’ in the story is?

a. Forget     b. Neglect     c. Understand     d. Misunderstand

Answer: c. Understand  

2. Guess the similar word for ‘shout’ from the given story.

a. Afraid     b. Think     c. Scream     d. Mistake

Answer: c. Scream

3. At the end of the story, villagers were not afraid of the donkey because they were

a. brave     b. scared     c. weak     d. feared

Answer: a. brave

Activity 2:

Read the passage given below and complete the activity that follows. Rajiv and his father Madhav were very happy that day. Rajiv was especially thrilled because his father would take him out on a visit to the lighthouse. They started in the evening by 5 p.m. and reached the shore by 6 p.m. Madhav pointed out to the lighthouse in the distance. It was a tall, strong building in the shape of a tower with powerful lights at the top.

8th class Kalika Chetarike English

Rajiv asked his father, “Papa, what is the use of these lighthouses?” Madhav said, “They help the sailors to know where the land is and what place they are near. Sometimes they are on the seashore and sometimes in the sea. They are in places which are dangerous to ships and they help to warn and guide the sailors.”

Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B.




Activity 3:

Read the story/paragraph as instructed by the teacher. Find the meaning of unknown words using a dictionary and write them in the table given below.


Once a man found an eagle’s egg and placed it under a brooding hen. The eagle hatched with the chickens and grew to be like them. He clucked and cackled; scratched the earth for worms; flapped his wings and managed to fly a few feet in the air. Years passed. One day, the eagle, now grown old, saw a magnificent bird above him in the sky. It glided in graceful majesty against the powerful wind, with scarcely a movement of its golden wings.


New wordsMeaning


Activity 4: Find and underline/circle the pair of antonyms in each sentence.

e.g.: The tree is near my house but the road is far from it.

1. My clothes are dry but my hair is wet.

Answer: dry x wet

2. When you are loud, I will ask you to be quiet.

Answer: loud x quiet

Kalika Chetarike activity 18 for 8th class

3. I can remember stories but forget lessons.

Answer: remember x forget

4. Madanika is tall but her brother is short.

Answer: tall x short

5. The girls in the class were quiet while the boys were noisy.

Answer: quiet x noisy

6. Rahul was lost but is now found.

Answer: lost x found

7. All his friends became his enemies.

Answer: friends x enemies

8. My friend failed to solve the riddle, but I succeeded.

Answer: failed x succeeded

9. I agreed to help Sonu, but he rejected my help.

Answer: agreed x rejected

10. We are in the same class but have different opinions about the teacher.

Answer: same x different

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 18 for 8th class students.

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