Kalika Chetarike activity 12 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 12 for 8th class

Kalika Chetarike activity 12 for 8th class students. 8.5 activity worksheet for 8th standard students. Key answer for activity 11 and 12.

In this post we are discussing learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike. Activity worksheet and key answer. 8th class learning out come and rubrics for Kalika chetarike.

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8th class Activity worksheet and key answer

Learning Outcome 8.5:

Engages in conversations in English with family, friends, and people from different professions such as shopkeeper, salesperson etc. using appropriate vocabulary.

LEARNING SHEET 11  Activity 1:

Describe the below-given picture.

Pictorial writing


On Sunday we all friends went to a nearby park. My sister also came with me. We spend lot of time in playing. Parks play a very important role in society. They help people to stay healthy and fit. Walking on grass and staying around a lot of trees is very healthy. Parks are a safe place for children where there are no vehicles and they can play there safely.

People go to the park for many reasons. Children go to a park in the evening to play with friends. Some teachers and parents also take them to the park for a picnic. Many people go there in the morning or in the evening for a walk to enjoy the greenery and breathe fresh air. Some go in groups to do exercise and yoga together.

Activity 2:

look at the picture and write


One day we are going to school. On that time, we saw an injured dog on the road. I took that dog and try to do first aid treatment. We must help the any animals and birds. It gave me an immense pleasure. Take a dog from the street into our own home. If that’s not possible, take care of his food, medicines and vaccination. Do not buy your pet from a pet store or a breeder. Instead, adopt one from an animal shelter or adoption center. If you are really kind hearted, just pick up a pup on the side of the street and take him home.

Key answer of 8th class worksheet

Activity 3:

Look at the following comic strip and read the dialogues loudly. Identify the characters who are involved in this conversation.

comic strip and read the dialogues


Here conversation is going on between friends about cat and dog. The characters who are involved in this conversation are Mayor, Andrew and a girl. This girl is introducing her friend Andrew to her pet dog Major.


Activity 4:

Read the following conversation carefully and complete the given activity.

Salesman: Please, come in Sir.

Customer: I want to buy a smartphone. Is it available here?

Salesman: Yes, Sir. You get all kinds of smartphones of all the leading brand Sir.

Customer: Can you show me one?

Salesman: Sir, this is Samsung. It costs Rs. 12000 plus tax. This is Oppo. It costs Rs. 9000 plus

tax. This is RedMi. It costs Rs.14000 plus tax.

Customer: Is there any festival offer?

Salesman: Yes, of course. 5% discount plus a gift coupon.

Customer: OK let me buy the RedMi smartphone. By the way, do you accept credit cards?

Salesman: Sure Sir.

Think a while and answer

1. Where do you think this conversation is taking place?

Answer: This conversation is taking place in mobile shop.

2. Who are talking?

Answer: Salesman and customer are talking.

3. Which smartphone does the customer want to purchase?

Answer: The customer wants to purchase the RedMi smartphone.

4. Name some other places where you have to use this sort of conversation?

Answer: I have to use this sort of conversation in marketing shop, Mobile repair centres and other electronic shops.

Watch this video for the explanation of Kalika Chetarike activity 12 for 8th class students.

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