Jazz Poem Two notes

Jazz Poem Two notes

Jazz Poem Two notes for SSLC students. We will learn important questions and answers of the poem Jazz Poem Two for 10th class students.

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Lets start to learn Jazz Poem Two notes. Here we explained multiple choice questions, 2 marks questions and extract questions. These questions are very useful for 10th class exam.

2 marks questions:

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each.

1.Why did Jazz player stand like a black Ancient Mariner?

Ans: Jazz player is an old man. He had suffered a lot in his life. His mind filled with the worries of life. So he stood like a black Ancient Mariner.

2. Write physical appearance of Jazz player.

Ans: The Jazz player has a wrinkled old face. Jazz player is unshaven and has a tired look. He has led a hard life. He is tired and keeps his head down.

3. Give a short description of the Jazz player.

Ans: The Jazz player has a wrinkled old face. He is unshaven and has a tired look. He wears a faded blue shirt, an old necktie and jacket. His shoes too are old.

4. Why do you think the Jazz player keeps his head down?

Ans: The Jazz player is a poor, old man. He has led a hard life. He is tired and keeps his head down.

5. What message does the Jazz player want to convey?

Ans: The Jazz player wants to convey to the world that he is a Black man. He came to preach the Black Gospel of Jazz.

6.  How does the Jazz player change as he plays on the saxophone?

Ans: When Jazz player starts to play the saxophone he is no longer a black man. He forgets everything and flies like a bird higher and higher.

7. When does the Jazz player feel like a bird?

Ans: The Jazz player feels like a bird while he starts playing music. It shows that though he was a pathetic figure he was expert in music.

8. What qualities of Jazz player do you appreciate? (SSLC exam April 2020)

Ans: Jazz player is poor and simple man. But he is the commanding artist. By the music he can attracts everyone and forgets miseries of life.

9. What was the special gift possessed by the Jazz player? How does it change his feelings? (SSLC exam June 2020)

Ans: When the Jazz player plays music, suddenly he filled with a new life. There is power in his music which draws people to listen. He forgets all pain and flies like a bird.

10. How was Jazz player described in this poem.

Ans: Jazz player wore a faded blue shirt, a loose necktie and an old jacket. His shoes were run down. Across his chest was an old alto saxophone supported from his neck by a wire coat hunger.

Extract questions: Jazz Poem Two notes

Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follows.

1. “There he stands like a black Ancient Mariner.”

a) Who does ‘he’ refer here?

Ans: Jazz player

b) Why did he stand like that?

Ans: Because his mind filled with the worries of life.

c) What is the figure of speech employed here?

Ans: Simile

2. “His rough unshaven face shows pain.”

a) Who said this?

Ans: The poet, Carl Wendall Hines, Jr

b) Who was the speaker describing about?

Ans: About Jazz player

c) What was the ‘pain’ referred here?

Ans: The problems faced by Jazz player.

3. “He was sent here to preach Black Gospel of Jazz.”

a) Who was send him to preach?

Ans: God

b) Who was ‘he’ referred here?

Ans: Jazz player

c) What do you mean by ‘Gospel’ in this context?

Ans: Gospel means a type of religious music.

4. “He is no longer a man but a bird.”

a) Who was transferred as a bird?

Ans: Jazz player

b) Why he is no longer a man?

Ans: He deeply involved in the music.

c) What did he do after becoming a bird?

Ans: He flies high and higher.

5. “Come back to find himself a Black Man again.”

a) Who did become a black man again?

Ans: Jazz player

b) How did he become a bird?

Ans: By playing music and forgetting as he is a black man.

c) When did he again become a black man?

Ans: When he stopped playing music.

6. “His run-down shoes have paper in them.”

a) Who does ‘he’ refer?

Ans: Jazz player

b) Why do the shoes have papers in them?

Ans: His shoes are old and torn.

c) What do this statement shows about?

Ans: Jazz player is very poor and simple man.

7. “There he stands, see?”

a) Who did stand there?

Ans: Jazz player

b) Who is asking this question?

Ans: The poet, Carl Wendall Hines, Jr

c) How does he stand?

Ans: He stand like a Black Ancient Mariner

8. “Gently he lifts it now to parted lips, to tell the world that he is a black man.”

a) What does he lift?

Ans: Alto saxophone

b) Why does he lift it?

Ans: To play the music

c) What message does he want to convey?

Ans: He is a Black man. He came to preach the Black Gospel of Jazz.

9. “His head still down, eyes still closed, ears perked.”

a) Who is ‘he’ referred to?

Ans: Jazz player

b) What do you mean by ‘perked’?

Ans: Perked means brighten up / sharp

c) Why did he like so?

Ans: He was old and His mind filled with the worries of life.

10. “Now preaching it with words of screaming notes.”

a) Who is preaching now?

Ans: Jazz player

b) What does ‘it’ refer?

Ans: ‘It’ referred to Black Gospel of Jazz

c) What instrument did he use to preach? Ans: Alto saxophone

4 marks question:

Write the summary of the poem ‘Jazz Poem Two.’

Jazz Poem Two is a poem written by Carl Wendall Hines, Jr. Jazz player is standing like a black Ancient Mariner. His face was old and wrinkled. He always closed his eyes. He wore old and faded coat and a old necktie. His old shoes have papers in them. His jacket was holding his sagging stomach.

Across his chest is an old alto saxophone supported from his neck by a wire coat hunger. When he starts to play he lifts the saxophone to his lips, suddenly he filled with a new life. The poet says that now he is no longer an ordinary man. He is like a bird flying higher and higher, totally lost in the beautiful music he produces.

Multiple choice questions of Jazz poem two:

Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions. Choose the most appropriate one.

1. Jazz player standing like a ……………

a) White bird

b) Charlie Chaplin

c) Black Ancient Mariner

d) Big tree

2. Jazz player is silent in speech, but eloquent in …………

a) dance

b) music

c) looking

d) speech

3. Jazz player is hanging ……………. in his neck.

a) Saxophone

b) guitar

c) flute

d) Harmonium 

4. The Black man was sent to preach the Black Gospel of ……………

a) music 

b) people

c) jazz

d) none of these

5. Jazz player is supposed to be ……………. when he plays music.

a) bird

b) God 

c) Ancient Mariner

d) good man

6. Jazz player’s shoes have ……………. In them.

a) clothes

b) plastic

c) flowers

d) papers

7. Which instrument did Jazz player use to preach?

a) Alto saxophone 

b) Sitar  

c) Veena  d) None of these

Watch this video for Jazz Poem Two notes.

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