Jazz Poem Two 2 marks question

Jazz Poem Two 2 marks question

Jazz Poem Two 2 marks question for SSLC students. Notes of the poem jazz poem two for class 10. Jazz Poem Two question and answer. Notes of the poem Jazz Poem Two.

In this post we have provided Important questions from jazz poem two poem for 10th standard. Question and answer from the poem Jazz Poem Two.

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1. How has the poet described the facial expressions of the Jazz player? OR

Describe the physical appearance of the Jazz player as narrated in the poem.

Ans: The Jazz player’s face is wrinkled and has not shaved. His head is bent down. He appears lifeless. His eyes are always closed but ears are very sharp.

2. Why do you think the Jazz player keeps his head down?

Ans: The Jazz player is a poor old man. He has many difficulties in his life. He is tired. He is not interested in life. He is also a black man.

3. What message does the Jazz player want to convey?

Ans: The Jazz player is a black man. He can draw people towards religion and convey the message of God through his music. He wished to teach Black Gospel of Jazz.

4. How does the Jazz player change as he plays on the saxophone? OR

Why does the poet say that the Jazz player is no longer a man when he plays saxophone?

Ans: The Jazz player plays divine music. He becomes one with the music. He feels like a bird flying higher and higher. He is filled with new life.

5. How can you say that the Jazz musician is a pathetic figure?

Ans: The Jazz player is an old black man. His face is unshaven and wrinkled. He has a sagging stomach. He wears a faded blue shirt, a loose necktie, an old jacket and torn shoes. He looks tired.

6. What qualities of Jazz player do you appreciate?

Ans: Jazz player is poor and simple man. But he is the commanding artist. By the music he can attracts everyone and forgets miseries of life.

7. Why did Jazz player stand like a black Ancient Mariner?

Ans: Jazz player is an old man. He had suffered a lot in his life. His mind filled with the worries of life. So he stood like a black Ancient Mariner.

8. What was the special gift possessed by the Jazz player? How does it change his feelings? Ans: When the Jazz player plays music, suddenly he filled with a new life. There is power in his music which draws people to listen. He forgets all pain and flies like a bird.

Watch this video for explanation of Jazz Poem Two 2 marks question for SSLC students.

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