Gentleman of Rio en Medio (Notes)

Gentleman of Rio en Medio (Notes)

Gentleman of Rio en Medio (Notes) lesson is very important for SSLC students. In this post we will discuss all types of important questions.

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2 marks questions

Answer the following questions in two or three sentences each.

1) What did the Americans discover after the survey?

Ans: After the survey, the Americans discovered that Don Anselmo owns more than eight acres of land which extends across the river.

2) The story teller offered the old man almost the double of what he had quoted earlier. Why?

Ans: Because he discovered that Don Anselmo owns more than eight acres of land which extends across the river.

3) Why did the Americans offered double the quoted price for the old man’s land?

Ans: The Americans were good people and when they found that Don Anselmo owned more than eight acres of land, they offered to pay double the price they had quoted earlier.

4) Why do you think the Americans wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s land?

Ans: The little creek ran through the land of Don Anselmo. His orchard was gnarled and beautiful. So the Americans wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s land.

5) Why did the story teller say that Americans buena gente?

Ans: The story teller said that the Americans are buena gente because they did not want to cheat Don Anselmo and they were willing to pay Don Anselmo twice the money for his land.

6) Why do you think Don Anselmo did not sell the trees in the orchard?

Ans: Don Anselmo planted a tree for every born child and so the trees in the orchard belongs to the children of Rio-en-Medio.

7) How do you say that Don Anselmo was generous?

Ans: Don Anselmo was generous. Because he was a man of principles. He refused to take the extra money offered by the Americans for his land.

8) What did the story teller’s friends complain?

Ans: The story teller’s friends complained that the children of the village were over running their property. The children came everyday, played under the trees and took blossoms.

2 marks questions from Gentleman of Rio en Medio

9) What did the story-teller request Don Anselmo to do after the complaint?

Ans: The children of the village were over running their property. So, he requested Anselmo to stop the children from doing this so that the Americans could live in peace.

10) What was Don Anselmo’s reply to the story teller’s request?

Ans: Don Anselmo replied that he had sold his property to the Americans because they were good people, but he did not sell them the trees.

11) Why was the story-teller unable to convince the old man?

Ans: Because the old man told that he had sold the property and not the trees which belonged to the children. So, he had not taken double the price fixed for the land.

12) Explain briefly the appearance and manners of Don Anselmo?

Ans: Don Anselmo wore an old, green faded coat. His gloves were torn and his finger tips showed through them and carried a cane which was the skeleton of a worn out umbrella. When he entered the room he bowed to all and slowly removed his hat and gloves.


Read the following extract and answer the questions given below.

1) “It took months of negotiation to come to an understanding with the old man.”

a) What was the negotiation about ?

Ans: About the selling of the old man’s property.

b) Why do you think it took months to come to an understanding ?

Ans: Because the old man was in no hurry to sell.

c) Who is ‘old man’ referred here ?

Ans: Don Anselmo.

2) ‘The old man removed his hat and gloves carefully.’

a) Who is the old man referred here?

Ans: Don Anselmo.

b) Whose style did it remind the writer of?

Ans: The style of Charlie Chaplin.

c) Why did he remove slowly?

Ans: Because that is his usual manner and he is in no hurry.

Notes of the prose Gentleman of Rio en Medio

3) “We have made a discovery.”

a) What did they discover?

Ans: Don Anselmo owns more than eight acres of land.

b) What was the result of the discovery?

Ans: They offered Don Anselmo double the price of what he had quoted earlier.

c) Who does ‘we’ refer here?

Ans: Americans and the story teller.

4) “These Americans are Buena gente.”

a) What do you mean by Buena gente?

Ans: Buena gente means good people.

b) Why did the speaker called Americans Buena gente?

Ans: Because after the survey, they did not cheat Don Anselmo and were ready to pay twice the money for the additional land.

c) From which language ‘Buena gente’ is taken?

Ans: Spanish.

5) He said, “I do not like to have you speak to me in that manner.”

a) What is the mood of the speaker?

Ans: The speaker felt that he was being insulted.

b) What made him to react so?

Ans: Story teller and the Americans ready to offer him twice the money.

c) Who is ‘he’ referred here?

Ans: Don Anselmo.

6) “I have agreed to sell my house and land for twelve hundred dollars and that is the price.”

a)Who is ‘I’ referred here ?

Ans: Don Anselmo.

b) When did the speaker say this?

Ans: When the Americans offered him double the price for his land.

c) What does this statement tell about the speaker?

Ans: The speaker was not greedy and he was a man of principles.

SSLC English notes

7) Don Anselmo said, “I did not sell them the trees in the Orchard”.

a) What do you mean by ‘orchard’ ?

Ans: Farm of fruits growing.

b) Why didn’t he sell the trees in the orchard ?

Ans: Because the trees belong to the children of Rio-en-Medio.

c) How did Don Anselmo defend his statement ?

Ans: Don Anselmo defended that when a child was born in the village, a tree was planted and so the trees belonged to the children of the village.

8) “The trees in that Orchard are not mine, Senor”.

a)What do you mean by ‘senor’ ?

Ans: A word of respect like ‘mister’ in English.

b) According to Don Anselmo, who did the trees belong to?

Ans: The tree belonged to the children of Rio-en-Medio

c) Why did he feel so?

Ans: Because every time a child was born in the village, he had planted a tree for that child.

9) “I argued with him but it was useless.”

a) Who argued with whom ?

Ans: The author argued with Don Anselmo.

b) What was argued with him ?

Ans: He argued with him to take the extra amount for the extra land.

c) What was the result ?

Ans: He signed the deed and collected the money what he had quoted earlier.

10) “One day they came back to the office to complain about their property.”

a) Who complained to the office ?

Ans: The Americans.

b) What was their complaint ?

Ans: The Children of Rio en Medio were over running their property.

c) What is the ‘property’ referred here ?

Ans: The land purchased by the Americans.

Watch these videos for Gentleman of Rio en Medio (Notes).

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