FA 3 Question paper for SSLC

FA 3 Question paper for SSLC

FA 3 Question paper for SSLC with key answers. You can download FA 3 question paper with key answer in pdf format.

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FA 3 question paper:

Q.I Do as directed. 8×1=8

     1) Write suitable question tag.

         Preetam wants to sit on the horse.

     2) Choose two syllabled word.

         Green, mouth, total, peace

     3) Identify the parts of speech of the underlined word.

          The Ramayana is the holy book of Hindus.

     4) Fill in the blank with appropriate homophone.

          The cat is under the ……….(cot / caught)

     5) Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition.

          This book belongs ……. my friend’s uncle.

     6) Write suitable tense form of the verb given in the bracket.

          Swapnil …….. (be + prepare) for SSLC exam now.

     7) Write suitable article.

           I saw ….. accident of a car.

     8) Use the word ‘water’ as verb in a meaningful sentence.

Q.II Answer the following questions in two or three sentences. 3×2=6

     9) How did Pandith Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha keep their promise?

     10) What qualities of Jazz player do you appreciate?

     11) Haneefuddin “A Great Martyr” was a talented young man. Describe.

Q.III Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow. 1×3=3

     12) “It’s the chance of a life time, he was saying.”

a) Who said this?

b) What was the chance?

c) Why was he not able to go the concert?

Q.IV Study the picture given below: 1×3=3

     13) Write a description or an account of what the picture suggests to you in a paragraph.

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FA 3 Key answers:


1) doesn’t he?

2) total

3) noun

4) cot

5) to

6) is preparing

7) an

8) I am watering the plants in our school garden.


9) After listening to Smita’s story about her brother, Pandith Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha were promised to play for the boy. The next day they arrived at Smita’s house. They sat down on the divan by the window and played for the boy.

10) Jazz player is poor and simple man. But he is the commanding artist. By the music he can attracts everyone and forgets miseries of life.

11) Haneef was a talented young man. He dabbled in art. Sketched very well. He made beautiful cards out of waste material. He reads books and loved playing the drums.


12)    a) Anant

          b) Attending Pandit Ravi Shankar’s concert.

          c) Because he was suffering from cancer.

Q.IV 13) In this picture doctor is advising us how to be safe from Corona virus. She is suggesting to keep social distance. We need to use hand sanitizer to clean our hands.  Mask also helps us to avoid this virus. Kindly follow these all rules and be healthy.

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