Everything I Need To Know I Learned In The Forest lesson notes

Everything I Need To Know I Learned In The Forest lesson notes

Everything I Need To Know I Learned In The Forest lesson notes and one mark questions and answers for Second PUC students. PUC second year English notes.

In this post we are discussing notes of the lesson Everything I Need To Know I Learned In The Forest for class 12. 2nd PUC lesson notes.

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question and answer from everything i need to know i learned in the forest

I. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase or a sentence each.

1. How did Vandana Shiva spend her vacation?

Ans: Vandana Shiva spent her vacation doing pad yatras, documenting the deforestation and work of the forest activists.

2. How did Vandana Shiva develop an interest in ecology?

Ans: Vandana Shiva develop an interest in ecology from the forests of the Himalayas.

3. What was the real value of forests, according to the women of the Himalayas?

Ans: The real value of forests is profit, resin and timber.

4. What were the ill effects of logging of wood?

Ans: The ill effects of logging of wood were landslides, floods, scarcity of water, fodder and fuel.

5. Where is the Earth University mentioned by Vandana Shiva located?

Ans: The Earth University located at Navadanya Farm / Doon Valley.

6. Which village did Bachni Devi belong to?

Ans: Bachni Devi belongs to Adwani village.

7. What is ‘Chipko Movement’ according to Vandana Shiva?

Ans: According to Vandana Shiva ‘Chipko Movement’ is a nonviolent response to large scale deforestation.

8. What is a rhododendron?

Ans: Rhododendron is an evergreen bush with leathery leaves and bell shaped flowers.

9. What do the forests save, according to the women of the Himalayas?

Ans: According to the women of the Himalayas the forests save soil, water and pure air.

10. Which country recognized the “Rights of Nature” in its constitution?

 Ans: Ecuador recognized the “Rights of Nature” in its constitution.

11. Name the South African environmentalist who pointed out that apartheid means ‘separateness.’

 Ans: Cormac Cullinan pointed out that apartheid means ‘separateness.’

12.Terra Nullius means ________.

Ans: Terra Nullius means the empty land.

13. ___________ and _____________ replaced a vibrant Earth. Ans: Raw materials and dead matter replaced a vibrant Earth.

everything i need to know i learned in the forest 1 mark questions

14. What does Terra Madre mean?

Ans: Terra Madre means Mother Earth.

15. Who is known as the ‘Father of modern science’?

 Ans: Francis Bacon is known as the ‘Father of modern science’

16. Earth democracy is a shift from anthropocentrism to ______________

Ans: Eco-centrism

17. Who were the participants of the Earth University?

Ans: Farmers, school children and people from across the world were the participants of the Earth University

18. Name the courses offered by the Earth University.

Ans: The A-Z of Organic farming and Gandhi and Globalization. These are the courses offered by the Earth University.

19. Diversity without unity becomes the source of conflict and _______

Ans: Contest.

20. According to Rabindranath Tagore, forest teaches us union and ___________

Ans: Compassion.

21. What does the Earth University teach; according to Vandana Shiva?

Ans: According to Vandana Shiva the Earth University teaches Earth Democracy.

22. What is the movement for bio diversity conservation and organic farming?

Ans: Navadanya is the movement for bio diversity conservation and organic farming.

23. Name the essay written by Rabindranath Tagore.

Ans: ‘Tapovan’ is an essay written by Rabindranath Tagore.

24. Name the country that universally declared the Rights of Mother Earth.

Ans: Bolivia declared the Rights of Mother Earth.

Watch this video for the explanation of Everything I Need To Know I Learned In The Forest lesson one mark questions.

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