Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson notes

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson notes

Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson notes for SSLC students. Here we will discuss imporatnt questions and answers of the lesson Dr.B.R.Ambedkar.

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2 marks questions of DR.B.R.AMBEDKAR LESSON

Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each.

1) How can you say that Ambedkar had a great thirst for books ?

Ans: Ambedkar was very fond of reading books from his childhood. He bought books by curtailing his daily needs. When he was New York he is said to have purchased 2000 books.

2) What were Dr.Ambedkar’s idea / perception of the three pillars of state?

Ans: Dr.Ambedkar had a clear idea about mutuality of the three pillars of state. He said that the jurisdiction of each should be clear and untrammeled. He had sense of the importance of the sole of citizen.

3) What is the significant observation of Dr. Ambedkar on the constitution?

Ans: The constitution is a fundamental document which defines the power of the executive and legislature as against the citizens. The other purpose of constitution is to limit their authority to avoid tyranny and oppression.

4) How did Dr.Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi try to wipe out caste discrimination from India?  (SSLC Exam April 2017)

Ans: Gandhiji remained the higher castes of their duty towards the depressed classes. Ambedkar remained the depressed classes of their inherent rights to equality with the higher castes.

5) How did 14th amendment to the US constitution and Mahatma Phule influence Ambedkar?    (SSLC Exam June 2016)

Ans: The 14th amendment to the US constitution gave freedom to the Black Americans. He saw greatly influenced by the life and work of Mahatma Phule who was serving for a classes society and for women’s upliftment.

6) What made Dr. B.R. Ambedkar describe the method of Civil Disobedience, Non-cooperation and Satyagraha as the ‘ Grammar of Anarchy’ ? (SSLC Exam June 2017)

Ans: The method of Civil Disobedience, Non-cooperation and Satyagraha are necessary in a state which is ruled by foreigners. But in a democratic country, these methods should not be used. If used there would be loss of lives and public property.

7) Nehru chose Ambedkar as the Law Minister. What might have prompted Nehru to do so?    (SSLC Exam June 2019)

Ans: Ambedkar had a great skill in law and legislation. He had the vision of social justice. Made campaigns against social injustice. Therefore Nehru chose him to be the Law Minister of India.

8) There were great luminaries on the drafting committee. Dr. Ambedkar is remembered as the pilot. Give reasons.

Ans: Ambedkar was the chairman drafting committee. He was tactful, frank and had utmost patience. He explained clearly the meaning and scope of the different provision of the Draft Constitution.

9) ‘Ambedkar was a voracious reader.’ Justify the statement. (SSLC Exam April 2016, June 2015)

Ans: Ambedkar was very fond of reading books from his childhood. When he was New York he is said to have purchased 2000 books. This shows that he was voracious reader.

10) What were the opinion of the Buddha and Avvai regarding the caste division?

Ans: According to Buddha the only valid division are the noble (wholesome) and the ignoble (unwholesome). Tamil poetess Avvai had said that there are only two castes in the world, namely the charitable (superior) and the miser (inferior).


Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.

1)”I have no doubt whether we agree with him or not in many matter, that perseverance”.

a)Who said this?

Ans: Jawaharalal Nehru

b) Who does ‘ Him’ refer to ?

Ans: Dr. B.R.Ambedkar

c) When did the speaker say these words?

Ans: At the time of Ambedkar’s death.

2) “The who took such an important part in our activities has passed away.”

a) Who said this?

Ans: Jawaharalal Nehru.

b) Who passed away?

Ans: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.

c) What is the meaning of the phrase ‘passed away’ ?

Ans: It means ‘dead’.

3) “They brought about a veritable revolution in social thought.”

a)Who are ‘they’?

Ans: Dr.Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi.

b) What ‘revolution’ is referred here?

Ans: The discrimination of caste system.

c) How did they bring out revolution ?

Ans: By reminding duty and right.

4) “The only valid divisions are noble and ignoble.”

a)Who said these words?

Ans: Buddha

b) When did he say these words?

Ans: About 2500 years ago.

c) What does the word ‘division’ refer here?

Ans: The caste division.

5) “A symbol of revolt.” he said.

a)Who made this statement?

Ans: Jawaharalal Nehru.

b) Who is the symbol of revolt?

Ans: Dr.B.R.Ambedkar.

c) Why is he described so?

Ans: Because he fought against the discrimination of the cast system.

6) ‘He had an insatiable thirst for books.‘

a) Who is ‘he’ referred to?

Ans: Dr.B.R.Ambedkar

b) How can You say that he had an insatiable thirst for books?

Ans: By curtailing his daily needs he bought many books.

c) What does ‘insatiable‘ mean in the context?

Ans: to cut down.

7) ‘He was a voracious reader.’

a) Who does ‘He’ refer to?

Ans: Dr.B.R.Ambedkar

b) How long was he a voracious reader?

Ans: He was a voracious reader throughout out his life.

c) What does voracious mean?

Ans: Very eager for knowledge.

8) Dr.Ambedkar had a clear perception of the mutuality of the three pillars of the state.

a) Which are the three pillars of the state?

Ans: Legislature, the executive and the judiciary.

b) How according Ambedkar the jurisdiction of the state should be?

Ans: It should be clear and untrammelled.

c) What does ‘perception’ mean in the context?

Ans: Ability to see, hear and understand.

9) ‘The constitution is a fundamental document.‘

a) What does the constitution define?

Ans: It defines the position and power of three pillars of the state.

b) What is the purpose of the constitution?

Ans: Not only to create organization and but also limit their authority.

c) Who was the chairman of the drafting committee of the constitution?

Ans: Dr.B.R.Ambedkar

10) He raised brick by brick.

a)Who raised brick by brick?

Ans: Dr.B.R.Ambedkar

b) What does ‘brick by brick’ mean?

Ans: step by step or slowly.

c) What was raised in the context?

Ans: Fundamental rights.

11) His flair for legislative work became evident to the nation.

a)Whose flair became evident?

Ans: Dr.B.R.Ambedkar

b) When did it become evident?

Ans: When he was made the chairman of Drafting committee.

c) What do ‘flair’ mean in this context?

Ans: A natural ability to do something well.

12) The British rulers exaggerated the caste distinctions and divided the people of India.‘

a) What policy did British use to divide India ?

Ans: Divide and rule.

b) Why did they adopt this policy?

Ans: They wanted to have control over Indians.

c) What is the ‘exaggerate’ mean?

Ans: To describe in a larger or greater manner.

Watch this video for Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson important questions and answers explanation. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson notes.

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