Dr.B.R.Ambedkar important question and answer for class 10. We will learn Dr. B. R. Ambedkar lesson important questions.
In this post we are discussing notes of the lesson Dr.B.R.Ambedkar for SSLC. We have provided 2 marks questions and answers from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson.
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2 marks questions and answers from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson
1. Dr. Ambedkar was a voracious reader. Justify it.
How can you say that Dr. Ambedkar had insatiable thirst for books?
Dr. Ambedkar spent most of his time in reading books. Give examples to justify it.
* Dr Ambedkar bought books by curtailing his daily needs.
* In New York he bought 2000 old books.
In London he bought 32 box books.
2. How did Ambedkar and Gandhi try to wipe out caste discrimination?
* Gandhi – from reminding the duty of higher classes towards depressed classes.
* Ambedkar – from reminding the rights of depressed classes with higher classes.
3. What made Ambedkar describe the methods of Civil Disobedience, Non-co-operation, and Satyagraha as the ‘Grammar of Anarchy’?
* They do not suit in free India.
* They will lead to oppression and tyranny and loss of lives.
4. Why did Nehru choose Ambedkar as the first Law Minister of India? (June 2019)
* Dr Ambedkar had great skill in law and legislature.
* He had a vision of social justice.
He fought against injustice.
5. How did Ambedkar work for the up lift of Depressed Classes?
* Ambedkar devoted all his time and talent to the upliftment of depressed classes.
* He started some newspapers – Mooknayak, Bahishkrit Bharat and Samata
He set up some institutions – Hitakarini Sabha and Independent Labour Party of India
6. Why was Dr. Ambedkar made the Chairman of Drafting Committee?
He had the ability in legislative work. He had faith in the dignity of human beings. Farsighted and objective leadership.
7. How did 14th amendment to the US Constitution and Mahatma Phule influence Ambedkar?
* The 14th amendment to the US Constitution gave freedom to Black Americans.
* Mahatma Phule was working for classes society and for women’s upliftment.
Notes of the lesson Dr.B.R.Ambedkar for SSLC
8. Why is Dr. Ambedkar considered as a champion of the depressed classes in India?
* Ambedkar devoted all his time and talent to the upliftment of depressed classes.
* He started some newspapers – Mooknayak, Bahishkrit Bharat and Samata
He set up some institutions – Hitakarini Sabha and Independent Labour Party of India
9. Why did Nehru choose Dr. Ambedkar as the first law minister?
* Dr. Ambedkar had a great skill in law and legislation.
* He had the vision of social justice.
He fought against social injustice.
10. Why is Dr. Ambedkar remembered as the pilot of Indian Constitution?
* Ambedkar was tactful, frank and had utmost patience.
* He explained clearly the meaning and scope of the different provision of the Draft Constitution.
He wrote the difficult concepts of constitution, which could be understand by common people.
11. Who were the other members of the Drafting Committee?
* Alladi Krishna Swamy Ayyar, K.M. Munshi and Gopal Swamy Ayyangar were the members.
* B.N.Rau was the adviser of the Drafting Committee.
12. What were Dr.Ambedkar’s idea / perception of the three pillars of state?
* Dr.Ambedkar had a clear idea about mutuality of the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary.
* He said that the jurisdiction of each should be clear and untrammelled.
He had sense of the importance of the sole of citizen.
Questions and answers from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar lesson
13. What is the significant observation of Dr. Ambedkar on the constitution?
* The constitution is a fundamental document
* It defines the power and position of the three pillars of state.
It also defines the limitations of the authority to avoid tyranny and oppression.
14. What were the opinion of the Buddha and Avvai regarding the caste division?
According to Buddha there are two divisions:
1. The noble and wholesome people.
2. The ignoble and unwholesome people.
According to Avvai there are two divisions:
1.The charitable who give and are superior.
2. The misers who do not give and are inferior.
Watch this video for the explanation of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar important question and answer.