Colours of Silence question and answer

Colours of Silence question and answer

Colours of Silence question and answer for SSLC students. We explained 2 marks questions from Colours of Silence.

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2 marks questions from Colours of silence:

Q. Answer the following questions in 2 or 3 sentences each.

1. Why was the school Satish going kept him out of the school?

Ans: Because of his frequent absence and hearing problem, the school kept him out of the school. They forced Avtar Narain to look for a new school.

2. Why was Satish confined to bed? What was the worst thing for him? Why was it so?

Ans: When Satish went to Kashmir, he fell into the rapids. He was bruised and aching all over. His legs needed many operations on them. He suffered from bouts of fever and infections especially of the ear. Silence and darkness was worst thing for him.

3. Surender, a friend of Satish came to visit him. Satish hadn’t gone to school. Why?

Ans: Because Satish was not well. His leg was operated. He was suffering from terrible headaches and everything he felt dark and silent.

4. Why did Satish’s father make expeditions to school? Was he successful? If not, why?

Ans: Satish was frequently absent from school and he had hearing problem. So every school did not want him to admit. So Avtar Narain had to make expeditions to schools. But he was not successful. Because every school did the same thing for the same reason.

5. How did Satish’s brother Inder try to help him?

Ans: Satish’s brother Inder sat for hours with him to teach words and pronunciation. He and his father spent time with him every day, talking to him trying to teach him things.

6. What made Avtar Narain angry?

Ans: Avtar Narain had to look for different schools for his son Satish. But every school didn’t want him to give admission. Because Satish was not able to hear. They treated his son as dumb. So he was angry.

7. Why didn’t Satish want to go to a new school?

And: Satish didn’t want to go to a new school because he couldn’t talk to the other children, where everyone would make fun of his deafness.

8. What did Satish see at the far corner of the garden? Why did it attract him?

Ans: Satish saw a bird at the far corner of the garden. The bird had a long tail and a black crest. Satish was attracted by its restless energy. Its eyes kept darting, its whole body was ready for flight any moment.

9. How do you say that Satish’s parents had difference of opinion about making his life?

And; Satish’s father always wanted him to study well and earn knowledge and become successful in life. But Satish was inclined towards painting. He opposed his son for that. But his mother felt drawing as a means of entertainment for her son.

10. Which action of Satish changed his father’s attitude?

Ans: Satish was busy mixing the colours on his palette. Though he saw his father standing at and the staring his painting, he continued with his mixing. This action of Satish changed his father’s attitude.

11. How can you say that Satish became popular all over the world?

Ans: Satish displayed his works in prestigious museums like the Museum of modern Art, New York, the Hiroshima collection, Washington and the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi. He was awarded the Order of the Crown in New Delhi.

12. What was Satish unable to believe? Why?

Ans: One day Satish’s father sat beside him and put his hand on Satish’s shoulder. Then Satish was unable to believe his father who was not angry with his painting.

13. How did Satish express his gratitude to his father?

Ans: Satish’s eyes were filled with tears. He hugged his father tightly, his heart was full of love for his stern father who had at last accepted that his destiny was in canvas and paint.

14. Name the three fields in which Satish Gujral has made his name?

Ans: Satish came to be popularly known as Satish Gujral. He became the famous artist from India and accomplished artist with several forms of art like painting, sculpture and architecture. He is also a writer.

Watch this video for explanation of Colours of Silence question and answer for SSLC students.

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