Beauty poem question and answer for class 8. In this post we are discussing notes for the poem Beauty for 8th standard students.
Here we have provided text book questions and additional questions also. Questions and answers from the poem Beauty. Learn multiple choice questions from the poem Beauty for 8th class exam preparation.
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Questions and answers from the poem Beauty
Poem: 01
Beauty by E-Yeh-Shure
Important questions and answers for class 8
C1. Answer the following questions. Share your response with others:
1. List out the things where beauty can be seen during the day.
Answer: The poet presents a simple idea of beauty. She highlights that we can see beauty in sunlight, trees, and birds, as well as in corn growing, people working, and people dancing for the harvest. This idea of beauty is original.
2. The poet says ‘beauty is heard in the night’. Pick out any two things of beauty from the poem that are seen at night.
Answer: In the second stanza, the poet describes how we can hear beauty. We can hear beauty at night when the wind sighs, when the rain falls, and when a singer performs earnestly from the depths of his heart.
3. Read the first and second stanzas of the poem again. Note the following phrases. Corn growing, people working or dancing, wind sighing, rain falling, a singer chanting.
- Corn that is growing
- People who are working or dancing.
Can you rewrite the other phrases like this? Why do you think the poet uses the shorter phrases?
The other phrases in the poem are
wind sighing — Wind that is sighing,
rain falling — the rain that is falling
singer chanting — the singer who is chanting
The poetess uses shorter phrases to give stress or emotional feeling.
Beauty poem notes for Karnataka state syllabus
4. The Poet says ‘Beauty is seen’ and ‘Beauty is heard’. List out the beautiful things you have seen or heard.
Beauty seen | Beauty is heard |
The trees, the bird’s com growing people working or dancing, etc, | Wind sighing rain falling singer chanting etc. |
5. The poet says ‘Beauty is in yourself.’ What things does she mention here? When does she want us to follow them?
Answer: Beauty is in ourselves. That is in our good deeds, happy thoughts. These all repeat themselves in our dreams, in our work, and in our rest.
6. Write a paragraph about beauty. You can use your own ideas along with the ideas in the poem. (You may discuss with your partner)
Answer: The saying ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’ shows that the perception of beauty is subjective. There is also the saying that beauty is skin deep. Here, the idea is that physical beauty is temporary and fades- away as time passes and age catches. It is clear that there are different ideas of beauty. My idea of beauty involves having a beautiful mind that prevents the destruction of anything beautiful, whether natural or man-made.
7. The phrase ‘wind sighing’ is personification. Give two more examples of personification. You may take the help of your teacher.
Answer: Rain falling, Happy thoughts are examples of Personification.
Multiple choice questions from the poem Beauty for 8th class
Extra questions and answers from the poem Beauty:
1. Who is the author of this poem?
A) Roald Dahl B) E-Yeh-Shure
C) Carolyn Keene D) J.K. Rowling
Answer: B) E-Yeh-Shure
2. How does the poet describe the three forms of beauty?
A) It can be seen, heard and felt B) it can only be felt.
C) it can only be seen. D) it can only be heard
Answer: A)
3. Beauty can be seen
A) in the sunlight B) in the moonlight
C) in dim light D) none of these
Answer: A) in the sunlight
4. Beauty can be seen in
A) sunlight B) trees
C) birds D) all of the above
Answer: D) all of the above

5. When is beauty heard?
A) in the morning B) in the evening
C) in the night D) all the time.
Answer: C) in the night
6. How are sounds produced?
A) By blowing winds and falling raindrops B) By children’s noise
C) By running vehicles on the road D) By musical songs.
Answer: A) By blowing winds and falling raindrops
7. How does the poet describe the beauty?
Answer: The poet E Yeh Shure says in her poem that beauty is everywhere. It’s in the sunlight, in the dark, in your dreams, in your work, and even in your rest. So beauty is everywhere. Beauty is everywhere you look, but it’s mostly on the inside and outside of you. Thus, it is a straightforward poem that conveys the idea that we can see beauty, hear beauty, and find beauty within ourselves. The poem also says that beauty is present at all times.
8th class Beauty poem question and answer
8. The poet says, “Beauty is heard in …”. Can you hear beauty?
Answer: Yes, we can hear beauty. Beauty is something that makes us feel happy; beauty is something that makes us feel noble. So, sounds that make us feel happy and noble are things of beauty.
9. What is beauty? Where can, in the poet’s opinion, beauty be seen, heard, and experienced?
Answer: Here’s a revision of the passage to eliminate passive voice:
Beauty exists in everything we encounter in life. We can hear and see beauty everywhere we go, and it can manifest in anything we do. E-Yeh-Shure uses metaphors to illustrate the concept of beauty. She states, “Beauty is seen in sunlight, the trees.”
The poetess emphasizes that we can find beauty everywhere. She points out what and where beauty resides. From “corn growing and people working” to “wind sighing, rain falling,” beauty surrounds us. Furthermore, E-Yeh-Shure boosts our happiness and confidence by declaring, “Beauty is in yourself.”
10. What is the theme of Beauty by e Yeh Shure?
Answer: The theme of the poem Beauty is that everything around is beautiful, be it sunlight, trees, birds, humans, wind, rain or anything else. We just need to have eyes to see it, ears to hear it and heart to feel it. We can feel beauty by doing good deeds and always having happy thoughts in our mind.
Questions and answers from the poem Beauty
11. What is the central idea of the poem beauty?
Answer: The central idea of the poem Beauty is that beauty is everywhere in the world. We just need to have eyes to see it, ears to hear it and thoughts to feel it. The world becomes a beautiful place to live if we do good deeds and have positive thoughts.
12. What does the poet mean by beauty is in yourself?
Answer: The poet asks us to always think positive and hope for the best. We should have happy thoughts and always do good things. If we do so, our lives will be better and we will find everything around us beautiful.
13. Where can you see beauty?
Answer: We can see beauty in the sunlight, trees, birds, growing corn, humans working and dancing for harvesting their hard work.
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Watch this vide for the explanation of Beauty poem question and answer for class 8.