Ballad of the Tempest notes

Ballad of the Tempest notes

Ballad of the Tempest notes for SSLC students. Important questions and answers were explained from the poem Ballad of the tempest.

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Ballad of the Tempest questions:

1. “Isn’t God upon the ocean, just the same as on the land?” Who asked this question? What does it mean? (SSLC exam 8.4.2015)

Ans: This question was asked by Captain’s little daughter.  It means that God is also there in the ocean. He will protect us as same when we are on the land.

2. When the captain shouted “we are lost”, who instilled hope in him? How? (SSLC exam 18.6.2015)

Ans: When the captain shouted “we are lost”, his little daughter instilled hope in him. She instilled hope by asking “Isn’t God upon the ocean, just the same as on the land?”

3. “Isn’t God upon the ocean, just the same as on the land? (SSLC exam 28.3.2018 / 27.3.2019)

a) Who is the speaker here?

Ans: Captain’s little daughter.

b) When was this said?

Ans: When captain shouted “we are lost.

c) What was the result of these words?

Ans: By these words they instilled hope and reached the harbor safety. 

4. “Then we kissed the little maiden, and we spake in better cheer. (SSLC exam 26.6.2018)

a) Who does ‘we’ refer to?

Ans: Sailors

b) What made them kiss the little maiden?

Ans: They rescued from the violent storm by her words.

c) Why were they back in cheer?

Ans: They got hope of survival and reached the harbor safety.

Ballad of the Tempest notes FOR SSLC

5. “But his little daughter whispered, as she took his icy hand.” (SSLC exam 27.6.2019)

a) Whose daughter was she?

Ans: She was captain’s daughter

b) What did she say to him?

Ans: She asked “Isn’t God upon the ocean, just the same as on the land?”

c) What was the effect of her words?

Ans: By these words they instilled hope and reached the harbor safety. 

6. The little maiden filled the sailors with confidence. Justify. (SSLC exam 25.6.2020)

Ans: When the captain and sailors lost hope the little maiden instilled hope of survival by asking “Isn’t God upon the ocean, just the same as on the land?” By these words they got hope and reached the harbor safely.

7. In the poem, “Ballad of the Tempest”, poet highlights faith and hope. Illustrate. (SSLC exam 24. 09. 2020)

Ans: When the captain shouted “we are lost” all sailors lost hope. But captain’s daughter filled confidence. She told that God will protect us as like on the earth. This faith in God helped the sailors to survive.

Extra Questions: Ballad of the tempest:

8. Usually storms are formed in the deep sea. What precaution has the sailors to take before voyage?

Ans: Before setting out on a voyage sailors have to make sure that the ship is strong enough to withstand any storm at sea. They have to be well stocked with food and water.

9. The poet says ‘Tis is fearful thing in winter.’ According to the poet what is the fearful thing? What would be the condition in the deep sea during the winter?

Ans: It is a fearful thing to be hit by a violent storm at sea in winter and for the ship to be shattered. The winds would be icy cold and the water too would be freezing.

10 When the captain shouted ‘we are lost’ how did his daughter react?

Ans: The captain had lost all hopes that they would be saved. His little daughter was calm. She held his icy hand and gently asked “Isn’t God upon the ocean, just the same as on the land?”

11) The crew mates kissed the maiden and spoke in better cheer. What made them feel cheerful?

Ans: The captain and the sailors had lost all hopes. The little girl asked “Isn’t God upon the ocean, just the same as on the land?” Her faith in God brought hope to the sailors and they kissed her in joy.

12) ‘A ship is always safe at the shore. But it was not built for that.’ What does this mean?

Ans: A Ship is built to take people and goods across the seas. It has to be strong enough to withstand all kinds of weather on the sea. If it just stays on the shore it would just be a showpiece or useless.

13) The poet uses the phrase ‘the hungry sea: what can the reader imagine from this?

Ans: The poet compares the sea to a hungry man who is very eager to snatch whatever he gets. The huge waves will toss the ship trying to break it. The figures of speech used here is personification.

14. Write the summary of the poem ‘Ballad of the Tempest.’

Ans:  The ‘Ballad of the Tempest’ is a poem written by James T.Field. In this poem a ship was out at sea. It was a dark. Stormy night in the winter. Huge waves dashed against the ship and the roar of the sea brought fear in the sailors.

They crowded in the cabin. No one is ready to sleep. The captain also lost hope. At that point, the captain’s little daughter held his hand and asked “Isn’t God upon the ocean, just the same as on the land?”

Her faith in God filled the sailors with a new hope. By morning, the storm cleared and they reached the harbour safely.

Watch this video for explanation of questions and answers from the poem Ballad of the Tempest.

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