Ballad of the Tempest extract questions for class 10. Ballad of the Tempest poem 3 marks questions. Notes of the poem Ballad of the Tempest.
In this post we have uploaded Ballad of the Tempest extract questions and answers. Important questions and answers from Ballad of the Tempest.
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Ballad of the Tempest extract questions and answers
1. ‘We were crowded in the cabin, Not a soul would dare to sleep’
a. From which poem this extract taken?
Answer: The ballad of tempest.
b. Who does the word ‘we’ refer to here?
Answer: ‘We’ refer to the sailors.
c. Not a soul would dare to sleep-why was it so?
Answer: Because the sailors were afraid that the storm would destroy the ship and their lives.
2. ‘It is a fearful thing in winter’ To be shattered by the blast.”
a. From which poem this extract taken?
Answer: The ballad of tempest.
b. What is to as a ‘fearful thing’?
Answer: To be caught in a fierce storm at sea in winter is the fearful thing.
c. How did it affect the sailors?
Answer: The sailors lay awake saying a silent prayer in the dark.
3. “We are lost!” the captain shouted.
a. Who is the captain?
Answer: Columbus.
b. Why did the captain say this?
Answer: The storm was very fierce and the captain feared that the ship would be torn apart any moment.
c. How did his daughter react to the situation?
Answer: Holding her father’s hand she asked if God could protect them on land would he not protect them on sea.
4. “Then we kissed the little maiden And we spoke in better cheer”
a. Who was the little maiden?
Answer: The little maiden was the captain’s daughter.
b. What did she said?
Answer: She said that God would protect them.
c. Why did they kiss her? Answer: The little girl brought back hope to the sailors so they kissed her.
questions and answers from Ballad of the Tempest
5. “Isn’t God upon the ocean, Just the same as on the land?”
a. Who is the speaker?
Answer: The little maiden.
b. When did the speaker say these words?
Answer: When the captain feared the ship was caught in the storm, he shouted we are lost!’ then the captain’s daughter said these words.
c. What do these words show the attitude of the speaker?
Answer: Faith in God.
6. “But his little daughter whispered, As she took his icy hand.”
a) Whose daughter was she?
Answer: The captain’s daughter.
b) What did she say to him?
Answer: “Isn’t God upon the ocean Just the same as on the land?”
c) What was the effect of her words?
Answer: The crew members regained faith and hope and became cheerful.
7. “It was midnight on the waters, And a storm was on the deep.”
a) Where was a storm deep?
Answer: In the sea during winter.
b) What was the sailors doing?
Answer: The sailors lay awake saying a silent prayer in the dark.
c) Who encouraged the sailors to get confidence?
Answer: Captain’s daughter.
8) “While the hungry sea was roaring, and the breakers talked with death.”
a) Where can we see this situation in this poem?
Answer: In the sea during winter.
b) Why the sea was roaring?
Answer: Because there was a storm in the sea.
c) Which figure of speech is used in the above statement? Answer: Personification.
3 marks questions and answers from Ballad of the Tempest
9) “As thus we sat in the darkness, Each one busy with his prayers.”
a) Who do ‘we’ refer here?
Answer: We refer to the sailors.
b) Why they are busy in prayers?
Answer: The storm was very fierce and the captain feared that the ship would be torn apart any moment.
c) Do they reached the harbour safely?
Answer: Yes, they reached the harbour safely.
10. “And we anchored safe in harbour, When the morn was shining clear.”
a) Who do ‘we’ refer here?
Answer: We refer to the sailors.
b) What do you mean by ‘morn’ here?
Answer: ‘morn’ means morning.
c) How do they anchor safe in harbour?
Answer: By the words of Captain’s daughter the crew members regained faith and hope and became cheerful.
Watch this video for the explanation of Ballad of the Tempest extract questions for class 10.