2 marks most expected questions for SSLC

2 marks most expected questions for SSLC. Important questions and answers for class 10. SSLC English notes.

In this video we are going to explain questions and answers for class 10. SSLC English 2 marks questions. SSLC English question bank.

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2 marks most expected questions for SSLC

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Watch this video for the explanation of 2 marks most expected questions for SSLC.

Most expected question and answer for class 10

1. Why do you think Don Anselmo did not sell the trees in the Orchard?

Ans: Don Anselmo planted a tree for every born child and so the trees in the Orchard belongs to the children of Rio-en-Medio. Hence Don Anselmo could sell only the Orchard but not the trees in the Orchard.

2. How do you say that Don Anselmo was generous?

Ans: Don Anselmo was generous. Because he was a man of principles he refused to take the extra money offered by the Americans for his land.

3. Why did the story teller say that Americans bueana gentla?

Ans: The story teller said that the Americans are bueana gentla because they did not want to cheat Don Anselmo and they were willing to pay Don Anselmo twice the money for his land.

4. What changes came over Wangjia as the Bind of Happiness caressed him?

Ans: As the bind of Happiness caressed Wangjia, his eyeballs flew back to their sockets, he saw much more brightly than before. All his wounds were healed and he was stronger than ever.

5. Why did Wangjia decide not to go back?

Ans: Though the journey was very tough, Wangjea decided not to go back. He knew that the people at home were waiting for him to bring back happiness.

6. How can you say that the people in the poor area of Tibet were unhappy?

Ans: The poor area had no rivers or good land, no warmth or fresh flowers, no trees or green grass. The people suffered from hunger and cold all year round. So they were unhappy.

10th class important question and answer

7. Do you consider Anant a talented boy? Justify your answer.

Ans: Yes, Anant was a talented boy. He was the best table – tennis player in the school and the fastest runner. He was learning to play the Sitar and was already able to compose his own tunes.

8. Do you think of Response of music maestros was unusual? Justify your answer.

Ans: No, the response of music maestros was not unusual because any person with good heart and is compassionate towards others sorrows would do the same.

9. Did Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha keep their promise? If yes, how?

Ans: Yes, Pandit Ravi Shankar and Ustad Allah Rakha kept their promise. Next day they went to Anant’s house and played for the boy.

10. Technical experts from the super power nations met in Geneva. Why?

Ans: The three super powers wanted to come to an agreement, putting a ban on the nuclear weapon test. And also to discuss the problems that could arise as a result.

11. Give a few examples which illustrate the writer’s stand that scientists are the most practical people in the world.

Ans: All new technologies, all new brands of industry are the results of research by scientists. It is through their work that we have medicines, electronics, synthetic fibres, modes of transport and the green revolution. This proves that scientists are the most practical people.

12. Make a list of lessons that the writer learnt at the Geneva Summit. Ans: As a scientist, the author had people like him all over the world, who could think and interact as the author, when he is abroad, he need not feel lonely. Science gives us hope of survival and well being for the whole mankind.

Most expected question and answer for SSLC

13. State the reason for the poet to say ‘Calendars and clocks are useless in space?

Ans: Calendars and clocks are useless in space. The poet says this because there are no seasons and no day and night.

14. The speaker has the feeling that he is imprisoned. What might have been the reason for him to have such a feeling?

Ans: The speaker has the feeling that he is imprisoned. The speaker is alone and he feels lonely. He cannot have contact with anybody. No one can visit him.

15. Give some instances of daily routine mentioned in the poem ‘Off to Outer Space Tomorrow Morning’?

Ans: Writing letters, people visiting, knocking at the door phone contact. The speaker cannot do all these things because he is in space.

16. Why were the students marching in the street? Why was it termed uncommon?

Ans: The students were marching to give a notice to the collector, for the British to quit India. It was uncommon because they walked silently without shouting slogans or behaving in a violent manner. Even though there were policemen, they marched as if the policemen didn’t exist.

17. How do you know that Mohan’s mother was supportive of their struggle?

Ans: When Suman and their friend brought the cyclostyle machine, she asked them to keep it in the puja room. When the sub Inspector came in initially, she acted as if everything was normal and nothing revolutionary took place at their home.

SSLC important question and answer

18. What do you think is the writer of the ‘Narayanpur Incident’ trying to impress upon the readers?

Ans: People wanted to fight against the British and get freedom. Some Indians were working for the British but they were waiting for them to quit India. These people helped the freedom fighters secretly. The sub-Inspector Patil also indirectly helped Mohan’s family.

19. What factors encouraged Dolma to take up basic mountaineering course?

Ans: Dolma came to know that a mountaineering institute was set up at Manali and it would give training to those who were interested in climbing mountains. Her friends and her family members also encouraged her to join this course.

20. How has Dolma described her preparedness for the task of scaling Mount Everest?

Ans: Dolma got training in the mountaineering institute at Manali. Her determination and hard work helped her to secure ‘A’ grades. She believed that success always follow dedication, determination and hard work. She used to practice four hours every day before the task of scaling Mount Everest.

21. What was the biggest headache that Dolma had to face besides her physical and mental problem?

Ans: Dolma’s father was bedridden. She was not financially sound and she needed a lot of money for her father’s treatment, so the family had very little to offer her.

22. Life for Haneef in the beginning was never a smooth sail. Why was it so?

Ans: Haneef lost his father when he was just eight years old. His mother a vocal artiste, was out very often with the performance wing. Therefore, he became very responsible at a tender age.

Questions and answers for class 10

23. The absence of mother from home taught the children something. What was that?

Ans: Haneef’s mother a vocal artiste, would often had to leave the children alone as she travelled with the performance wing. The kids became very responsible getting up and getting ready for school without her having told them and learnt that one’s duty is the most important thing in life.

24. Haneef was a young man with varied talents and interest. Illustrate this statement.

Ans: Haneef dabbled in art, sketched very well. He made beautiful cards out of waste material. He read books and loved playing drums.

25. Ambedkar had a great thirst for books when he was a student. Explain.

Ans: Throughout his life Dr. Ambedkar was a voracious leader. He had an insatiable thirst for books. He bought books by curtailing his daily needs. In New York he purchased about 2,000 books and that they to be sent to India in 32 boxes.

26. How did the fourteenth amendment to the US Constitution and Mahatma Phule influence on Ambedkar?

Ans: While in U.S.A. Ambedkar was drawn to the fourteenth amendment of the constitution of the U.S.A. which gave freedom to the Black Americans. On returning India he was greatly influenced by the life and work of Mahatma Phule, the votary of a classless society and women’s upliftment. This made him to devote all his time and talents for the betterment of his underprivileged brethren.

27. How did Dr. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi try to wipe out caste discrimination from India?

Ans: Gandhiji reminded the higher castes their duty towards the depressed classes. Babasaheb Ambedkar did the same by reminding them of their inherent rights to equality with the higher and more powerful castes. One stressed the duties, the other stressed the rights.

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