10th class SA 1 question paper part 2

10th class SA 1 question paper part 2

10th class SA 1 question paper part 2. Download SSLC summative assessment question paper. 10th standard SA 1 question paper with key answer.

In this post we are explaining SSLC SA 1 question paper. SA 1 question paper download. SA 1 question paper 2023. Download 10th class SA question papers part 2.

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Subject: English

Class: 10th

Medium: Kannada

State: Karnataka

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Sub-topic: SA 1 Question paper with key part 2

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SSLC summative assessment question paper

Class:10th                                                           Summative Assessment 1                            Marks:80

Subject: English                                                                                                                      Time : 3:15min

I. Four alternative are given for each of the following questions. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its letter of alphabet.         4×1=4

1. Choose the appropriate question tag and fill in the blank.

Jyoti is preparing delicious food ………?

A. do she?     B. isn’t she?     C. doesn’t she?     D. wasn’t she?

2. Read the following conversations and fill in the blank with correct ‘if clause.’

Rakesh : How did you reach school?

Swapna : I reached on foot because I missed the bus.

Rakesh : Oh, if you had left home early, you …………………………..caught the bus.

A. Would have      B. would had     C. wouldn’t have     D. Should have

3. Read the given conversation and choose the language function for the underlined sentence.

Teacher : Why are you talking ?

Student : mam, she is joking.

Teacher : It’s not right, get out of the class.

A. Offering help     B. asking advice     C. Giving advice.     D. order

4. Read and choose an infinitive.

Raju has become a doctor to serve the sick.

A. has     B. became     C. to serve.     D. Raju

II Do as directed             12×1=12

5 Fill in the blank with appropriate form of verbs given in brackets.

Teacher ……………… (be + explain) grammar in the class.

6. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition.

The book is ______ the table.

7. Fill in the blank with suitable linking words.

The students of our school are wise …………. they are not disciplined.

8. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate words given in the brackets.

Raju is my ……………. friend. The ………………. runs fast. (dear, deer)

9. Choose correct collocative words for class.

School, room, table, standard

10th standard SA 1 question paper

10. Give one word. A piece of land in which fruit trees are grown.

11. Which one of the following words has one syllable.

quality, about, school, company

12. Write the correct form of the word given in the brackets

I have to appreciate the ……………….in the government schools. (educate)

13. Frame a question to get underlined word as answer.

She was going to Bangalor

14. Identify the parts of speech of the word.

Ravi is a clever boy.

15. Use the word ‘smile’ as a noun in a sentence of your own.

16. Change the sentence into passive voice.

She is speaking English.

III The following paragraph has two errors. Edit the paragraph and rewrite it.   1×2=2

17 The old man explained that he was an oldest person in the village. almost everyone there was related to him and all the child of Rio en Medio were his nieces and nephews.

A. Capital letter to be used.              B. noun plural to be corrected.

IV Answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each:       7×2=14

18. What was the newspaper report read by the father?

19. How did Baleshwar help Roma?

20. How you say that Don Anselmo was generous?

21. Neharu Chose Ambedkar as the first law minister. Why?

22. Who are the two speakers in the poem Song of India? How they differ?

23. Why had Sub inspector visited to Mohan’s house?


Why the students march was unusual?

24. What can we learn from Dolma’s life?


How you say that Dolma life was sorrowful?

V Answer the following questions in 5-6 sentences each.    2×3=6

25. Narrate how a coward boy became a hero overnight.

26. In the poem I am the land, the land has shown patience. Justify.

English SA 1 for class 10

VI Read the following extracts and answers the questions that follow:   4×3=12

27 “Your office room is so dusty.”

a) Who is the speaker?

b) Who is ‘your’ referred here?

c) Why did speaker say so?

28. “let’s go and help her”, he cried.

a) Who cried like this?

b) who is ‘her’ refer to?

c) Why he said like this?

29. “we have made a discovery.”

a) Who was ‘we’ refer to?

b) What was the discovery?

b) What was the result of the discovery?

30. “You say you own me, I wait.”

a) Who is the speaker of the line?

b) Who is ‘you’ referred here?

c) What is ‘I wait’ indicates the character of the speaker?

VII Given below is a profile Mr. Rajeshekar. Write a paragraph using the clues.      1×3=3

31. Age : 40

Place of birth : Tumkur

Qualification : M.A B.ed

Work place: Chamrajanagara

Qualities : He loved his job, Teaching and very kind to others.

Hobbies: Reading books, writing stories, gardening.

VIII. Develop the story using the Clues given below.    1×3=3

32. Tortoise walking on the road …… is seen by a hare……….. hare laughs at the tortoise for his very slow speed……….. challenge for race ………. Tortoise moving with his slow speed………. Hare moves fast but sleeps …… tortoise reaches winning point first ………. Wins the race.

IX. Look at the pictures given below. Describe in a paragraph.     1×3=3

10th standard SA 1 question paper with key answer

X Quote from memory.       1×4=4

34. The quality of mercy……………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………..

……………………………………………………….…………. ……………………………………………………him that takes.


It is enthroned…………………………………………………….…. ……………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………….………………………. ………………………………………………………. seasons justice.

XI Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:       1×4=4(2×2)

35. One-day Pasha Sab was walking along the road. He stopped near a tall tree and saw a monkey on it. It was eating nuts. The tree was full of nuts. Pasha wanted them but could not reach them. Pasha picked up a stone and threw at the monkey. The monkey was annoyed. But Pasha kept throwing the stones at the monkey continuously. The Monkey It plucked the nuts and started throwing at Pasha. He collected enough nuts, thanked the monkey and went away.

(A) Why do you think Pasha threw stones at the monkey?

(B) Why did Pasha thank the monkey?

XII Answer the following question in 8-10 lines.       1×4=4

36.. How does the poet describe grandma’s genius quality in the poem ‘Grandma Climbs a Tree’?


Write the conversation between the poet and the mother India?

XIII Write an essay on any one of the following.        1×4=4

37. a. Pollution Explosion              b. Covid 19                 c. Mobile phone

XIV Write a letter using the information given below.       1×5=5

38. Imagine that you are Kiran / Kavya studying in 10th Standard, Government High School Aland.

Write a letter to your brother requesting him to attend yoga classes for good health.


Write a letter to The bank manager requesting him to open account.

Watch this video for the explanation of 10th class SA 1 question paper part 2.

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