The Gentlemen of the Jungle question and answer for class 11. Notes of the lesson The Gentlemen of the Jungle for PUC first.
In this post we have explained questions and answers of the lesson The Gentlemen of the Jungle. First PUC The Gentlemen of the Jungle lesson important questions and answers.
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Comprehension I
Notes of the lesson The Gentlemen of the Jungle
- What favor did the elephant ask the man on a rainy day?
Ans: The elephant asked the man to allow him to put his trunk inside the hut, to save him from the torrential rain.
2) According to the man his hut had room only for him. True /False
Ans: False
3) How did the elephant sneak into the man’s hut?
Ans: The elephant put his trunk inside the hut, slowly pushed his head inside and then flung the man out in the rain and laid down comfortably inside.
4) According to the elephant, the man can afford to remain in the rain because
a. the skin of the man is harder than his.
b. the skin of the elephant is delicate.
c. the skin of the elephant is harder than that of the man.
Ans: b. the skin of the elephant is delicate.
5) How did the lion decide to solve the problem?
Ans: The lion commanded his ministers to appoint a commission of enquiry to solve the
6) What kind of judgement did the man expect?
Ans: The man expected the judgement to be in his favor and believed that the hut would
naturally be turned to him.
7) Why was the man unhappy with the members of the Commission of Enquiry?
Ans: The man unhappy with the members of the Commission of Enquiry because no members from man’s side was included in it.
8) According to the elephant, the man had invited him into the hut
a. to save his skin.
b. to give shelter to his trunk.
c. to save the hut from the hurricane.
Ans: c. to save the hut from the hurricane.
9) In whose favor was the judgement given?
questions and answers of the lesson The Gentlemen of the Jungle
Ans: The judgement given in the favor of the elephant.
10) Why did the man accept the suggestion of building a new hut?
Ans: The man accept the suggestion of building a new hut because he had no alternative and feared that his refusal might expose him to danger.
11) How did the man ‘buy’ peace finally?
Ans: The man finally bought peace by building his big hut, allowed to live all animals in that hut and put a fire.
Comprehension II
1)Why was the Commission of Enquiry appointed by the king of the jungle?
Ans: One day while raining the elephant requested the man to put his trunk inside the hut to get protection from the torrential rain.
The man agreed and allowed him to put his trunk. But the elephant slowly pushed his head inside and then flung the man out in the rain and laid down comfortably inside.
This caused the dispute between the man and the elephant. They began to quarrel each other. So the lion came to see what was happening. The elephant told the matter.
So the lion tried to keep peacefulness of in his kingdom. That is why the lion commanded the ministers to appoint a commission of enquiry to look into the matter and report accordingly.
2) Why do you think the animals decide not to have anyone from the man’s side on the
Commission of Enquiry? Explain.
Ans: The lion commanded the ministers to appoint a commission of enquiry to solve the dispute between the man and the lion.
First PUC The Gentlemen of the Jungle lesson
The commission of enquiry includes only animals and not a single man was allowed. Because they thought that it was impossible to include a man because no one from man’s side was well educated to understand the complexity of the jungle law.
The animals also believed that they were the members chosen by God to look after the interest of the race. So they decided not to have any members from the man’s side on the commission of enquiry.
3) How did the elephant justify its act of occupying the hut?
Ans: The lion commanded the ministers to appoint a commission of enquiry to solve the dispute between the man and the lion.
And the elephant was asked to report his argument. Elephant justify its action by saying that the man himself had invited it to save his hut from the being blown away from hurricane.
As the hurricane had gained access owing to the unoccupied space in the hut, the elephant considered it necessary, in the man’s own interest, to turn the undeveloped space to a more economic use by sitting in it itself.
It is my duty. In that situation anybody would have performed this help with equal readiness. In this way the elephant justified its action.
4) Do you think the verdict by the Commission of Enquiry was on the expected lines? Why?
Ans: Yes, the verdict by the Commission of Enquiry was on the expected lines.
Because in that commission no one was there in the man’s side. During the trial Mr. Hyena and other elders of the jungle took elephant’s side. They had eaten party by the elephant.
The elephant was given a chance to appoint members in the commission of enquiry. The man was not given a chance to appoint from his side.
The Gentlemen of the Jungle lesson important questions and answers
And the man was not given even a chance to state his case. Because all animals felt its waste of time to repeat the story. So as expected the verdict came in favor of the elephant.
5) What fate awaited the man each time he built a new house?
Ans: The commission of enquiry ordered the man to give his hut to the elephant and allowed him to look for another site to build new hut for him.
The man obeyed the verdict given by the commission of enquiry. He looked another site and build a new hut.
Immediately Mr. Rhinoceros occupied the new hut. A royal commission was again appointed to look into the matter and the same verdict was given.
This procedure was repeated until Mr. Buffalo, Mr. Leopard, Mr. Hyena and the rest were all accommodated with new huts. This fate awaited the man each time he built a new house.
Comprehension III
1) Do you agree with the action of the man at the end? Why?
Ans: Yes, I agree with the action of the man at the end. Because in that commission no one was there in the man’s side. And the man was not given even a chance to state his case.
So as expected the verdict came in favor of the elephant. The man obeyed the verdict given by the commission of enquiry. He looked another site and build a new hut.
Immediately Mr. Rhinoceros occupied the new hut. A royal commission was again appointed to look into the matter and the same verdict was given.
This procedure was repeated until Mr. Buffalo, Mr. Leopard, Mr. Hyena and the rest were all accommodated with new huts.
Gentlemen of the Jungle lesson important questions
This repeats each time he built a new house. The man finally built a big hut, allowed to live all animals in that hut and put a fire.
2) ‘An act of kindness is misunderstood as weakness.’ Discuss this with reference to the story.
Ans: When the verdict was given against the man, the man agreed because if he refused he might fall in danger.
So he built another hut. Another animal occupied that home and another commission was set up. This commission also gave wrong verdict and asked the man to leave that hut and built for another.
This was repeated several times and each time the verdict was given in the favor of animals. All animals take the misuse of his kindness.
They felt that he was alone in the forest and no one is in the commission of inquiry from his side. So most of the animals take the bad advantage of his generosity and kindness.
Thus the act of kindness is misunderstood as weakness.
3) ‘Peace is costly but it is worth the expense.’ What is the ironical significance of this
Ans: Peace is very costly, but is defiantly worth the expense. When you at peace that means you are not worrying about anything negative.
To get peace is very hard and comes with trials. When you make it through the expense and finally have peace, then you can say it was worth going through.
In this lesson also the man get peace with expensive effort. Each time he builds the hut, that were occupied by animals. He lost many new huts for wrong verdict.
Notes of the lesson The Gentlemen of the Jungle for PUC first
But at the last he made a plan and burnt the hut when all animals were in it. Thus he buy peace. It is worth the expense.
Personally I do whatever I have to do,to have peace. It is very costly. I don’t even think about how costly its going to be, to get peace
4) Every fable ends with a moral. What ‘moral’ do you find in this story?
Ans: ‘Peace is costly but it is worth the expense.’ This is the moral that we find in this story.
The commission of enquiry ordered the man to give his hut to the elephant and allowed him to look for another site to build new hut for him.
He looked another site and build a new hut. Immediately Mr. Rhinoceros occupied the new hut. A royal commission was again appointed to look into the matter and the same verdict was given.
This procedure was repeated until Mr. Buffalo, Mr. Leopard, Mr. Hyena and the rest were all accommodated with new huts. This was repeated each time he built a new house.
The man finally bought peace by building his big hut, allowed to live all animals in that hut and put a fire.
5) Do you think the story can be read as a political satire on colonialism?
Ans: Yes, this story can be read as a political satire on colonialism. In the late 19th century the European powers were divided African among themselves.
Because European arms were superior and the African chiefs did not understand the meaning of treaties they were asked to sign. As a result Africans lost the land they had traditionally lived and cultivated.
notes for class 11
Their attitude towards European “Expansion” is made clear in this story. It reflects the attitude of the Kikuyu people of Kenya towards European laws and commissions.
In this story the author made comment on European ‘Expansion’ indirectly by using a fable. He criticized the laws and commission of European rulers. They felt defeated as we see in the man’s case who fights with the elephant for the lost hut.
One marks questions from The Gentlemen of the Jungle
1. Who made friendship with the man in ‘The Gentlemen of the Jungle’?
Ans. An Elephant
2. Why did the elephant approach the man for help?
Ans. To protect himself from the torrential rain.
3. Where was the man’s hut located in the forest?
Ans. The man’s hut is located at the edge of the forest.
4. What was the request of the elephant to his friend on a rainy day?
Ans. Elephant said that “My dear good man, will you please let me put my trunk inside your hut to keep it out of this torrential rain”.
5. What did the elephant promise to repay the man for his help?
Ans. His kindness
6. Where did the elephant fling the man?
Ans. Out of the hut in rain
7. What did the elephant want to protect his skin from?
Ans. Hailstorm.
8. What did the elephant wish to protect from the hailstorm?
Ans. His delicate skin.
9. What did the lion wish to have in his kingdom?
Ans. Peace and tranquillity
10. Who commanded his ministers to appoint a Commission of Enquiry?
Ans. The Lion
11.What did the king do to resolve the dispute between the man and the elephant?
Ans. Appointed a Commission of Enquiry.
12. Name one of the members in the Commission of Enquiry ?
Ans. Mr. Rhinoceros / Mr. Buffalo /Mr. Alligator /Mr. Fox/Mr. Leopard
13. Who was the Chairman of the Commission of Enquiry?
Ans.The Rt. Hon. Mr. Fox .
14. Who was the Secretary of the Commission of Enquiry?
Ans. Mr. Leopard
15. “I have always regarded it as my duty to protect the interests of my friends” was said by the___
11th class first lesson notes:
a) elephant
b) lion
c) man
Ans. a) elephant
16. What did the elephant always regard as his duty?
Ans. To protect the interests of his friends.
17. What was the only question asked to the man by the Commission of Enquiry?
Ans.The question asked was “Whether the undeveloped space in your hut was occupied by anyone else before Mr. Elephant assumed his position?”.
18. Why was no human included in the Commission of Enquiry, according to the animals?
Ans. No human included in the Commission of Enquiry because no one from human side was well enough educated to understand the intricacy of jungle law.
19. What were the members of the Commission of Enquiry reputed for?
Ans. For their impartiality in justice.
20. The elephant wanted to put the_______ space in the man’s hut to a more economic use.
a. occupied b. unoccupied c. cultivated Ans. b. unoccupied
21. What did the elephant want to turn the undeveloped space into?
Ans. The elephant wanted to turn the undeveloped space into a more economic use by sitting in it.
22. Who provided the delicious meal to the Members of the Commission?
Ans. The Elephant
23. In whose favour was the judgement given?
Ans. In Elephant’s favour.
24. What fear made the man accept the judgment of the Commission?
Ans. That his refusal might expose him to the teeth and claws of members of the commission. / Fearing for the cruel jungle lords.
25. What kind of hut did the man build, finally?
Ans. Built a bigger and better hut at a little distance away.
26. The dispute and fight among the Gentlemen of the Jungle was for the rights of _____
The Gentlemen of the Jungle mcq
a) occupation b) penetration c) freedom
Ans. b) penetration
27. According to the man, _______is costly, but it’s worth the expense.
Ans. Peace.
28. Whom did the elephant ask help?
Ans. From the Man.
29. According to the elephant, whose skin is harder than the elephant?
Ans. According to the elephant, man’s skin is harder than the elephant.
30. According to the elephant, who can afford to remain in the rain?
Ans. According to the elephant, the man can afford to remain in the rain.
31. Who started to grumble in the jungle?
Ans. The man started to grumble in the jungle.
32. Who is the king of the jungle?
Ans. The lion is the king of the jungle.
33. Who wanted to have “peace and tranquillity?
Ans. The lion wanted to have “peace and tranquillity” in his kingdom.
34. Whose evidence did the Commission take first?
Ans. The elephant’s evidence.
35. According to the Commission, who has fulfilled the sacred duty of protecting the interests of the man?
Ans. According to the Commission, the elephant has fulfilled the sacred duty of protecting the interests of the man.
36. Who gave permission to the man to look for a site?
Ans. The commission of enquiry / The Gentlemen of the jungle.
37. Who set the hut on fire and burnt it to the ground, jungle lords and all?
Ans. The man set the hut on fire and burnt it to the ground, jungle lords and all.
Watch video for the explanation The Gentlemen of the Jungle question and answer for class 11.

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