The Gardener question and answer

The Gardener question and answer

The Gardener question and answer for second PUC exam. Notes of the lesson The Gardner. The Gardener by P. Lankesh for PUC 2.

In this post we have explained questions and answers of The Gardener. And also Important questions of The Gardener. Notes of the story The Gardener.

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The Gardener by P. Lankesh for PUC 2

Question and answer of The Gardener

Comprehension I

1. What qualities of the old man impressed the narrator?

Answer: The narrator was impressed the old man’s physique. He was tall, with greyish hair, a long beak-like nose, and strong muscular arms. His eyes were filled with memories.

2. Is it a significant factor that the old man came to the garden after walking hundreds of miles?

Answer: Yes, it is significant that he had come to the farm walking hundreds of miles because he has experienced fame and name in life but now wanted to lead a simple life.

3. The owner of the garden became lethargic because

(a) the income of the garden improved dramatically.

(b) he had become dependent upon the gardener.

(c) there was nothing much left for the owner to do.

Answer: (c) there was nothing much left for the owner to do.

4. Why did the owner’s wife start worrying about the strange ways of her husband?

Answer: The owner had become very lazy after the arrival of the old man. But his wife was confused with the old man’s way of hard work whether it was for the good or bad. The owner had started wasting his time with bad friends and addicted to bad habits.

5. When did the old man decide to narrate his story?

Answer: When the owner had become lazy and neglecting his garden, the old man met with her. He understood the plight of her and narrated his story.

6. Tammanna considers his rival, Sangoji / Basavaiah, an important possession because?

(a) competition helps in the development of an individual.

(b) Sangoji / Basavaiah leads a more colourful life.

(c) rivalry offers new possibilities of life for him.

Answer: (c) rivalry offers new possibilities of life for him.

2nd puc english notes the gardener

7. “No, his name was not Sangoji, but Basavaiah” told the old man because?

(a) he had really forgotten the name.

(b) he wanted to keep the identity of his rival a secret.

(c) he was fictionalizing his past.

Answer: (c) he was fictionalizing his past.

8. What unique strategy was evolved by Tammanna to annihilate Basaviah completely?

Answer: Tammanna thought of a novel method of punishing Basavaiah. He felt that there was no end to the enmity if Tammanna continued to improve his popularity and property. So, he stopped composing ballads on Basavaiah, and stopped singing them.

9. Why does Basavaiah start inviting scholars and musicians to his place?

Answer: Basavaiah wanted to take revenge against Tammanna as he felt that his house was empty without the books of Tammanna. So, he invited scholars and musicians to his place to praise him that he was not inferior to Tammanna.

10. What was Basavaiah’s ray of hope in his attempt to outwit Tammanna?

Answer: When Tammanna fell ill, the news passed on to Basavaiah. Basavaiah thought that Tammanna would not be able to compose ballads and indirectly he would be a winner. Tammanna’s disease was a happy message to Basavaiah.

11. Tammanna decides to give up everything and leave the place because

(a) he sees no purpose in living there.

(b) he wants to create an impression that he is dead.

(c) he wants to put an end to the rivalry.

Answer: (c) he wants to put an end to the rivalry.

12. Tammanna forgets his songs and ballads because

(a) he finds them futile.     (b) he doesn’t need them anymore.      (c) he avenges himself.

Answer: (a) he finds them futile.

Question and answer of The Gardener

Comprehension II

1. How did the owner’s life change after the arrival of the old man?

Answer: The old man Tamanna was a good. He put an end to the thefts and understood the problems of workers. In turn, they also worked hard with Tamanna at the Garden. Gradually, the owner’s income increased and he became lazy.

2. What advice did the supporters of Tammanna give him for getting his land back?

Answer: The supporters of Tammanna advised him to go to the court to get his land back. They also asked him to either take the help of the police or get some gangsters to attack Basavaiah.

3. How did Tammanna react to Basavaiah’s encroachment of his land?

Answer: Basavaiah attacked Tammanna and occupied his land, so Tammanna expressed all his bitter experiences in the form of Ballads and started to sing those compositions criticizing Basavaiah.

4. How did Basavaiah try to overcome his humiliation?

Answer: Basavaiah became too greedy and made a lot of property and became too materialistic. He also built a hall and hired a number of persons to praise him and he bought many ornaments and precious stones as status symbols.

Comprehension III

The Gardener notes

1. The rivalry between Tamanna and Basavaiah keeps moving from the visible domain to the invisible. Comment?

Answer: In the beginning, Tamanna and Basavaiah competed by gaining material property like ornaments, Jewels and land. But later their enmity grows into intolerable psychological hatred ness when Tammanna started the composition of ballads on the evils of Basavaiah and singing them.

2. How does Tammanna adopt a counter-strategy to challenge the material wealth of Basavaiah?

Answer: Tammanna started to think in different ways to compete with Basavaiah. He stopped collecting material wealth and started to compose ballads and singing them. Because this could not be completed by Basavaiah with all his material wealth.

the gardener summary 2nd puc English

3. A manipulator like Tammanna turns reflective towards the end of his life. What does this tell us about human nature?

Answer: Human nature always wants what it is not having and in the same way, Tammanna initially acquired material gains but later he turns towards spirituality when he loses it. The lesson teaches that humans must meet challenges and face them. A healthy competition, is fair and acceptable, if not, life becomes boring and attempts towards death.

4. How does the reference to Russia and America provide another dimension to the story?

Answer: When Russia stopped waging war against America, it could not keep quiet and it went to war against other countries. In the same way, humans could not stand silence and they always want the competition to end. It is human nature.

5. Observe how the story employs multiple narratives. How does this technique unveil the mystery of human relationships?

Answer: Change is universal and humans have to accept it. If they do not adapt to the situations, they can’t survive. That is the nature of human beings, and even Darwin spreads the same theory about the survival of the rightest. Hence, every human being must adapt to the situation to survive.

Additional questions from The Gardner:

1. What qualities of the old man impressed the narrator?

 Answer: He was a labourer, overseer and philosopher.

2. The owner of the gardener became lethargic because

Answer: (b) he had become dependent upon the gardener.

3. Why did the owner’s wife start worrying about the strange ways of her husband?

Answer: He became lethargic and shied away from hard work.

4. What unique strategy did Tammanna conceive to annihilate Basavaiah completely?

Answer: By composing ballads and singing them.

5. Why does Basavaiah start inviting scholars and musicians to his place?

Answer: Tammanna’s books were not there in his house.

6. Tammanna decides to give up everything and leave the place because

Answer: He wants to create an impression that he is dead.

7. Tammanna forgets his songs and ballads because

Ans: He avenges himself.

Watch this video for the explanation of The Gardener question and answer for second PUC exam.

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