Study time table for exam preparation

Study time table for exam preparation

Study time table for exam preparation for all exam. This time table helps students how to plan their reading and preparing for exams.

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Top 5 tips for making the perfect study timetable:

1. Always keep your academic goal front of mind.

2. Remember to schedule time each week to make your weekly study timetable.

3. Keep your timetable in a place that you will see or access every day.

4. Be consistent with your study and follow your schedule.

5. Don’t overload yourself. Do remember to schedule down time to avoid burn out.

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An effective Study Plan for Competitive Exams:

A goal without a plan is just a wish, and we do not have a magic lamp that would make all our wishes come true so planning is important and crucial not just in preparation but in every walk of life.

Whether you look at exam toppers, successful businesses, or any professional doing good in life, the one thing that is common in all of them is that they do not work haphazardly; instead, they have a plan of action which they make and then follow it with full dedication.

Why does one need a study plan?

A study plan is important and unique to every student to understand yourself and a study plan as it will help you in various ways, some of which are enlisted below:

1. A study plan is an effective way to help you navigate through the examination syllabus in an organized way. While every student develops a different study plan; there is no correct study plan for everyone.

2. You can spend less time studying if you do it correctly.

Identify Difficult and the Easiest Subjects:

In this step, you must determine which subjects are difficult for you and which subjects are easy for you. Place your subject in a table in the order of hardest to easiest. After you’ve identified it, hold the subject that is the most difficult for you at the top and the subject that is the easiest for you at the bottom.

Once you have a list of the most difficult to the easiest subjects, the next task is that you should now devote more time to subjects that are difficult for you, and devote less time to easy subjects.

Watch this video for explanation of study time table for exam preparation for all exam.

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