SSLC Exam pattern and Question paper structure 2022 23. How is 10th class exam pattern and question pattern of 2022-23 academic year.
In this post we explained about 10th standard question paper pattern and structure. You can download government order regarding this.
To get more video notes for SSLC exam visit our YouTube channel. This channel is very useful for 10th class exam preparation.
Watch this video for the explanation of SSLC Exam pattern and Question paper structure 2022 23.
Download Govt. order of SSLC Exam pattern
There will be a total of eleven papers in these six subjects, and each subject will have two papers, except a second language paper. Each paper of Karnataka SSLC 2022 exams will be of 100 marks. Out of these 100 marks, the summative assessment (board exam) is for 80 marks, and the formative test is for 20 marks.
Students preparing for the Karnataka Class 10 exams can check the complete Karnataka SSLC syllabus 2022 for the exam preparation. With Karnataka 10th Syllabus 2022-2023, students can easily make a study plan for themselves.
Students have so much time left for the exams as Karnataka SSLC Exams will commence in March/April 2023. Students must plan their studies accordingly in due time to pass this examination with high scores. As per the prescribed KSEEB SSLC syllabus 2022, there are three language papers and six non-language papers: mathematics, Science, and Social Science. Total marks for each language paper will be 100; for other subjects, like Hindi and English paper will be 80 marks.
Exam Pattern and Grading for Class 10
For the SSLC Class 10 exams, the students have to appear for three languages and three core subjects. The three languages are the First Language, Second Language and the Third Language. The three core subjects are Mathematics, Science and Social Science. Along with these, there are alternative subjects for students with a learning disability. All the papers are for three hours.
Languages- The students have to appear in three languages. There is a wide range of choices in the languages which the students can choose. For the Language Paper I, students can choose from Kannada, English, Hindi and Urdu. For Language Paper-II, students have a choice between Kannada and English. Language Paper III, students have to choose from Hindi, Kannada, English, Arabic, Urdu, Sanskrit, Konkani and Tulu. Language Paper I is for 100 marks, while Language Paper-II and III have 80 marks written exam and 20 marks are allotted to internals.
The three core subjects are Mathematics, Science and Social Science. All three have 80 marks written on paper and 20 marks internals. The exams start in March, and they end in April. The results are announced around the fourth week of April. Supplementary Exams are also conducted for those students who have failed in one or more subjects. The results for these are announced in July.