Role of students in promoting national integration

Role of students in promoting national integration

Essay on Role of students in promoting national integration is for high school and college students. A short English essay on National integration. English essays for competitive exams.

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Role of students in promoting national integration


National integration and national unity is the need of today’s generation. In this context the students can play a significant role in promoting nationalism and feeling of oneness.

What is national integration?

National integration is the bond and togetherness between people regardless of their caste, religion or gender. It is the feeling of oneness and brotherhood.

Students’ role in national integration:

  1. The future of any nation depends upon the students.
  2. They are the hope of tomorrow.
  3. Students can serve to the nation at the time of natural calamities.
  4. Students can take leadership helped during the national emergencies.
  5. Students organizations such as NCC, NSS and Scout helped a lot at the time of national need.


National integration is very necessary in students’ life. They are the bright future of nation. That is why every nation gives a lot of importance to students and their proper development.

Watch this video for explanation of this essay. This essay is explained in Kannada and English.

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