Oru Manushyan (Questions and Answers)

Oru Manushyan (Questions and Answers)

Oru Manushyan (Questions and Answers) is an important notes for first PUC students. In this post we explained all important questions and answers of the lesson Oru Manushyan. We have provided English grammar for PUC students. To watch more video notes subscribe to our YouTube channel. Click here to read summary of this lesson.

Comprehension I

1)How far was the big city from the narrator’s home-town ?

Ans: The big city was some thousand five hundred miles away from the narrator’s home-town.

2) Where did the narrator stay in the big city ?

Ans: The narrator lived in a big city in the valley of a mountain. He stayed in that city in a very small dingy room in a dirty street.

3) For money, people would do anything, even……………………? ( Fill in the blank.)

Ans: Commit murder.

4) What was the narrator doing to earn a living ?

Ans: The narrator taught the skill of writing addresses to migrant labourers. He is teaching English to that people.

5) ……………..was considered great education there.

a.Learning English.

b.Learning to write an address in English.

c.Writing addresses at the post-office.

Ans: b. Learning to write an address in English.

6) What reason did the narrator give for sleeping all day and having food in the evening ?

Ans: The narrator slept whole day and woke up in the evening to have his meal because he wanted to save the expense of drinking his morning tea and eating noon meal.

7) How much money did the narrator have in his pocket as his life’s savings ?

Ans: The narrator had fourteen rupees in his pocket as his life’s saving.

8) The man who came forward to pay the narrator’s bill was……………..

a.A man with a red turban.

b.A person dressed in a suit.

c.A money lender.

Ans: a. A man with a red turban.

Comprehension II

1)Describe the people and the place where the incident took place.

Ans: That place is quite a big city in the valley of a mountain. In this place crime rate is very high. People of this area are merciless and are ready to do anything for money. The author stayed in a very small and dingy room on a dirty street. The people around him are notorious and very cruel. Murder, robbery and pick pocketing was daily occurrences of that place.

Some of them works as soldiers, money lenders and watch man in banks, mills and commercial establishments. Here people want to learn English to write addresses in English at the post office. If they have to get it done by others, they have to pay anything between one anna and four anna.

2)  What was the routine of the narrator in the city?

Ans: The author stayed in a very small and dingy room on a dirty street. He teaches English to migrant labours from 9:30 to 11 in the night. These labours wanted to learn writing their addresses in the letter. He made his living by teaching English, through this he earns very little many and this earnings is very less to do his daily expenditures.

The speaker earns very little so sleeps all day and wakes up at 4 O’clock in the evening so as to avoid the expenses of morning tea and noon lunch. This showed that the narrator was leading very poor life. This was hid daily routine in the city.

3) Give an account of the embarrassing experience of the narrator at the restaurant.

Ans: One evening the speaker went to the crowded restaurant to have his food. After having the food he need to pay 11 anna, he realizes that his purse with his life’s savings of 14 rupees is missing and someone has stolen the wallet. But the owner of the restaurant thought that the speaker is trying to cheat him. So he scolded him to pay the bill, threatens to gouge out his eyes.

The speaker requested the owner to keep his coat as surety. But the owner guffaws and makes the speaker remove his coat, shirt and shoes. Further they forced the speaker to strip his trousers also. The speaker felt insulted and resigned to his fate. He started to unbuttoning his trousers, all the time imagining himself standing naked in front of others. This was the embarrassing experience of the narrator at the restaurant.

4) A stranger saved the day for the narrator. How ?

Ans: When the speaker was unable to pay the restaurant bill he was forced to pay the bill. But the narrator lost his wallet. The owner of the restaurant thought that the speaker is trying to cheat him. So he makes the speaker remove his coat, shirt, shoes and trousers.

It is at this point that a blue-eyed, fair-complexioned, a six-footer with a red red turban and white trousers intervenes and offers to pay the amount due to the owner. A stranger asks the speaker to come with him. On the way speaker asks the name of the person. He told that he has no name and walks on until they reach a deserted bridge.

There after making sure that no one is around, the stranger takes out five wallets and asks the stranger which of these is his. The speaker choose his wallet and found 14 anns inside that. Thus a stranger saved the day for the narrator.

Comprehension III Oru Manushyan (Questions and Answers)

1)Does the story talks about transformation in a person ? Discuss.

Ans: Yes. The story talks about transformation in a person. One evening the speaker went to the crowded restaurant to have his food. After having the food he need to pay 11 anna, he realizes that his purse with his life’s savings of 14 rupees is missing and someone has stolen the wallet.

When the speaker was unable to pay the restaurant bill he was forced to pay the bill. But the narrator lost his wallet. The owner of the restaurant thought that the speaker is trying to cheat him. So he makes the speaker remove his coat, shirt, shoes and trousers. It is at this point that a blue-eyed, fair-complexioned, a six-footer with a red red turban and white trousers intervenes and offers to pay the amount due to the owner.

There after making sure that no one is around, the stranger takes out five wallets and asks the stranger which of these is his. The speaker choose his wallet and found 14 anns inside that. By experiencing this pathetic incident, the narrator changes his pessimistic notion and becomes more considerate and flexible and concludes that the robbers too have a heart and is flexible in his thoughts and consideration.

2) Do you think the restaurant keeper was over reacting when the narrator could not pay the bill ? If so, what accounts for his behaviour ?

Ans: Yes, the restaurant keeper was over reacting when the narrator could not pay the bill. When the speaker was unable to pay the restaurant bill he was forced to pay the bill. But the narrator lost his wallet. The owner of the restaurant thought that the speaker is trying to cheat him. So he makes the speaker remove his coat, shirt, shoes and trousers.

The speaker felt insulted and resigned to his fate. He started to unbuttoning his trousers, all the time imagining himself standing naked in front of others. When the owner asked the speaker to remove even the trousers, the speaker pleaded with him for mercy saying he has nothing inside.

This invokes more laughter and the owner along with 50 other people gathered there, forces the speaker to strip further and says mockingly “There must be something underneath.” Here the restaurant keeper was a little over reacting and drawing the attention of the crowd. He was rude and his act was a humiliating one when he decided to strip the author and gouge his eyes.

Watch the following two videos of Oru Manushyan (Questions and Answers)

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