Heaven If You are not Here on Earth question and answer

Heaven If You are not Here on Earth question and answer

Heaven If You are not Here on Earth question and answer for class 12. Here we explained Notes of the poem Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth.

In this post we have discussed questions and answers of the poem Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth. We also explained question and answer of the poem Heaven, If You Are Not Here On Earth.

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Question and answer of the poem Heaven If You Are Not Here On Earth

Comprehension: I

1. According to the poet ‘heaven’ is ……..

(a) on earth.     (b) within us.      (c) elsewhere.

Ans: (b) within us.

2. The poet finds God in …….

(a) nature       (b) earth       (c) temple

Ans: (a) nature.

3. What does the line ‘Heaven lies all over!’ suggest?

Ans: The line ‘Heaven lies all over’ suggests that the beauty of heaven lies in the splendour of nature, in the harvest, and the moonlit night.

4. Who creates ‘heaven on earth’?

Ans: Poet creates heaven on earth.

Comprehension: II

1. Describe the beauty in nature that makes the earth a heavenly place.

Ans: The roaring stream and the rolling foam, waves of the ocean, the tender sunshine on the green trees and grasses of our gardens, the moonlight at night, reflecting on heaps of grains and the gentle sun, all these beauties of nature make-the Earth a heavenly place.

2. Why does the poet feel that earth is more beautiful than heaven?

Ans: The poet is much inspired by nature as it gives subjects to his poetry. As nature gives happiness and enjoyment to man, instead of looking for heaven which is not here, he wanted to imagine heaven on this earth itself. So, the poet wants us to feel that the earth is more beautiful than heaven.

Heaven If You Are Not Here On Earth poem notes for PUC second

Comprehension: III

1. How does the poet explain the illusion of heaven in this poem?

Ans: The poet Kuvempu was deeply impressed by nature’s divine beauty as a child. For him, the very sunrise brings joy to the world. In his poem, ‘Heaven If You Are Not Here On Earth’ explains the myth of heaven. It is commonly thought that one can go to heaven only after one’s death. Kuvempu differs to say that if we cannot find heaven on earth we cannot see it anywhere else! It does not exist beyond clouds and the sky. If we cannot become gods ourselves with our actions, gods cannot be found ourselves. If we are not nymphs ourselves there could be no nymphs in heaven.

2. How does the poem celebrate the power of the poet?

Ans: The poem ‘Heaven If You Are Not Here On Earth’ captures the power of poets’ words that glorify nature. While singing the beauty of divine nature, he creates magic. This poem is short but rich in imagery. When the poet watches roaring stream and rolling surf, his spirit becomes one with them. The sunshine on the luxurious gardens gives him the heavenly experience. Kuvempu is overjoyed by the splendour of harvest and of moonlight. Here the poet draws the sweetest moments from nature and creates heaven for the readers.

Extra questions from ‘Heaven If You are not Here on Earth’

1.Where does the sunshine lean?

Ans: The sunshine leans on verdant gardens.

2. What are the creations of human mind?

Ans: All divine entities like a god, heaven and nymphs are the creation of the human mind.

3. When according to the speaker can there be Gods in Heaven, if you are not on Earth’?

Ans: Only if we become Gods.

Heaven If You Are Not Here On Earth poem extra questions

4. How is the stream presented in the poem?

Ans: The stream is roaring and rushing fast.

5. What does heaven spill all around?

Ans: The heaven spills around the song of nectar.

6. How is sun described in the poet?

Ans: The sun is described as gentle.

7. Why does the poet feel that earth is more beautiful than heaven?

Ans: According to the poet there is no heaven in reality, and strongly believes that Heaven and earth are not separate entities. Heaven and God are mere of man’s imaginations. He tries to tell us, the different forms of heaven that exist on earth like the green forests, the stream that leaps down the hills, the waves that roll across the sea, the moonlight and the splendour of harvest appears more beautiful. Hence he suggests that one must enjoy the pleasures of heaven looking at nature.

8. How, according to the speaker, can we create heaven on earth?

Answer: In this poem, the poet Kuvempu stresses and warns his readers gently that heaven is not somewhere in the skies but here on this beautiful earth. He points us to watch the beautiful streams rushing and the soft sun lighting our green gardens, feels that the earth is heaven, asks us to view heaven when the gentle moon spills milky white light. He tells us that a poet inspired by all this natural beauty writes beautiful poetry which is as sweet as nectar. By writing such poetry the poet creates heaven on earth or inspires us to think that earth is like heaven.

Watch this video for the explanation of Heaven If You are not Here on Earth question and answer for class 12.

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