Essay on Water Pollution is for high school and college students. A short English essay on water pollution. English essays for competitive exams.
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Water Pollution
Water is free gift of nature. It’s essential to all living beings. It covers around 70% of the earth. Now a day water is being polluted. Man is the main reason for it.
Causes of water pollution:
1. Urbanization and industrialization are the main reasons for pollution.
2. Use of chemicals and fertilizers to grow crops.
3. Industries and factories letting out waste chemical water into rivers.
4. Soil pollution and deforestation.
Effects of water pollution:
1. Use of polluted water may cause serious diseases.
2. It effects mainly on our health.
3. It may cause Calera, Typhoid and other serious diseases.
4. It also effects on birds, animals, sea animals.
Remedies for water pollution:
1. We should purify polluted water before letting into rivers
2. We should create awareness among people about importance of water.
3. Government should take strict rules and make effective implementation.
4. Industries should make other arrangements to letting water.
We know that we are the main cause of pollution. It is important to control the water pollution. Without water we can’t survive. So it’s our responsibility to keep water clean and make our earth healthy for living.
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