Essay on Television is for high school and college students. A short English essay on television. English essays for competitive exams.
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Television is one of the most important invention of Science. Television is a good source of both entertainment and education. It was invented by John Logie Baird. In short television is called as TV.
Advantages of television:
1. It helps to enhance our general knowledge and current affairs.
2. We can get lot of entertainment through this device.
3. Helps the students to study and research on various topics.
4. We can see health programme, sports, dance and singing competition.
5. Helps to watch films and serials.
Disadvantages of television:
1. It makes people idle and inactive in their work.
2. It wastes our valuable time, energy and money.
3. Students ignore their study.
4. It losses our concentration and creativity.
5. Watching TV we may lose our eye sight.
Main aim of television is to provide pleasure and amusement. It had both the advantages and disadvantages. It mainly depends on the user. So use television as a source of knowledge and entertainment.
Watch this video for explanation of this essay. This essay is explained in Kannada and English.