Essay on Global warming is for high school and college students. A short English essay on global warming. English essays for competitive exams.
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Global Warming
Global warming refer to climate change. That causes an increase in the average of temperature of the earth. Global warming is a raise in the surface and atmospheric temperature of the earth.
Causes of global warming:
1. Greenhouse gases: Sulphur dioxide and Carbon monoxide.
2. Volcano eruption can release a great amount of Carbon dioxide.
3. Industries and transportation releases Carbon dioxide and monoxide.
4. Deforestation.
Effects of global warming:
1. Melting of polar ice caps, leading to increase in the sea level.
2. Heat waves, cyclone, storms will occur due to global warming.
3. Extreme rainfall will occur and causing disaster to humankind.
4. Drought will occur in the world.
Solutions to stop global warming:
1. Reduce the production of greenhouse gases.
2. We need to reduce usage of gasoline, electricity and industries.
3. Recycling can help to reduce open burning of plastic.
4. We should increase forest.
Global warming is a big problem. We need to prevent disasters of the future. We need to take care of the earth. So everyone should take part in preventing global warming.
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