Around a Medicinal Creeper is a lesson for first PUC students. In this post we will learn important questions and answers of the lesson Around a Medicinal Creeper.
Comprehension I
- What did Mara do when they found the creeper?
Ans: When Mara found the creeper he caught hold for the tendrils and tied it to the nearby tree.
2) Mention the curse about the medicinal plant.
Ans: Mara told the the medicinal creeper has been cursed by a sage. The curse is that when someone needs this plant, they will not find it.
3) What surprised the white man?
Ans: When the white man opened the leaf and bandage of Mara’s hand, he was surprised to see that there was neither wound nor any blood although his clothes were stained with blood.
4) How did the mongoose and cowcal cure themselves of snakebite?
Ans: The mongoose and cowcal hunt snakes and in this time sometimes they are bitten by them. Then they immediately chew particular medicinal leaf and get cured from the poison.
5) Why had Mara lost his teeth on the right side?
Ans: One day Mara was going to trap rabbits in the forest. That time he decided to brush his teeth. So he broke a small stick from a nearby plant. He felt sour test in the mouth. So he took some water to clean his mouth. To his surprise all the teeth were lost on the right side.
6) What did Mara’s wife find on opening the packet of meat?
Ans: Mara’s wife was preparing dish. She opened the packet with the leaves. T o her surprise, she found alive wild buck instead of the meat.
7) What happened when the milk was mixed with the juice of the creeper’s leaves?
Ans: Milk and leaves were mixed thoroughly in a mixer and poured into a vessel. After sometime it became firm and rubbery.
8) When would the medicines lose their potency according to the belief of native doctors?
Ans: According to the native doctors, if they told others about their medicines, the medicines would lose their potency.
Watch this video for explanation of these questions.
Comprehension II
- How long did it take the narrator to learn the facts about the medicinal creeper? What does it signify?
Ans: It took almost twenty years for the author to learn about the medicinal creeper. It is because of unwillingness of the local doctors to share their knowledge.
Those who knows about the value of medicinal plants and its medicine they do not ready to tell anyone. Because they believed that if they tell about the medicinal plants it may lose its potency. More than that sufficient research work has not taken place. This signifies that there was a lot of myths regarding these creepers.
2) What does the incident of Mara’s wife throwing the leaves into the fire tells us about Indians in general ?
Ans: Mara told that a barking deer which had been killed. They took the nearby stream to divide between them. After dividing the meat, they wrapped their portions in some leaves and brought them home.
In Mara’s house as they prepared to cook, opened the pocket to take out the meat. Surprise awaited them as a live buck jumped up and ran out of his house. His wife ignorantly threw the leaves into the fire. There is a need to create awareness about our natural resources. This tells us that Indians have a casual attitude towards the medicinal plants though it can do wonders.
3) How was Krishna cured of his illness ?
Ans: The writer’s farmhand Krishna was suffering from piles. For him surgery mean an expensive treatment. He was scared of surgery. Krishna knew a Malyali sadhu who had treated him on an earlier occasion when he had developed boils. After the treatment he never got a boil again.
He wanted to see that sadhu again for his piles. But the sadhu had become too old by now. The sadhu did not have strength to search for this plant but he could describe it. Krishna had to search for this plant, dig out the tuberous root, mix it with milk. Within a day his piles improved. He was completely cured in five days.
Comprehension III
- Do you think the author is suggesting that Indian herbal medicine is better/safer than allopathic medicine ?
Ans: According to the writer Indian herbal medicine is powerful and can cure most of the diseases. But the lack of awareness heral medicine became unpopular among the people.
The writer thus focuses on the benefits of these creepers. The native doctors like Malyali sadhu do not share information about such medicinal plants. They continue to maintain the myth that if they told others about their medicines, the medicine would lose their potency. That is why our native medicinal systems are on the verge of extinction.
Through this the writer urges the necessity to undertake serious research about these natural resources. And keep for the next generation to improve our health naturally. The author tries to show that Indian herbal medicine can do wonder, when allopathic medicine becomes a failure, it also causes for side effect. But herbal medicine is safe and affordable to the common people.
He also gave the example of Krishna. He searched for medicinal plant plant, dig out the tuberous root, mix it with milk. Within a day his piles improved. He was completely cured in five days. The writer himself tried this medicine. His pain in his heel out of swelling disappeared.
2) What has made the modern man lose the knowledge of traditional medicine ? Do you think Ayurveda will make a comeback in a successful way ?
Ans: Modern man loss the knowledge of traditional medicine. It is because of some myths and negligence of the medicinal plant and also the competition of the allopathic medicine. When the writer told about these plants even his doctor friends made fun toward him and sometime called him ignorant and mad.
The local doctor also kept the secretness of the herbal medicinal plants. They believed that if they told about the plant it would lost its potency. This myth also made the people to keep away from the valuable plants. Even modern researches showed negligence to do more and more research on these plants and deforestation also causes for unavailability of these plants. That is why our native medicinal systems are on the verge of extinction.
Through this the writer urges the necessity to undertake serious research about these natural resources. And keep for the next generation to improve our health naturally. Do more modern researches on herbal plants. Then only the Ayurveda will definitely comeback. Nowadays most of the products are writing ‘Herbal Medicine’ on their products. People are also showing great interest on purchasing herbal products.
Watch this video for explanation of the above questions.
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